There's Another Way

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum There's Another Way

  • There’s another way to get Mastery rather than Mighty’s Dojo. I was playing Pig Lair today and I noticed I got some Mastery for Red when I beat some pigs in battle. After that I went to play some other levels with my weaker birds hoping that I would get some Mastery for them. I didn’t. None. But I did realize something. Thinking I got some from Pig Lair and not other battles I think it depends on level. Because the pigs there are level 33 and so am I. So as a simple guess with some proof is that you get Mastery if you knock out pigs that are the same or higher level as you. I will test with the Daily Dungeon tonight. But until then this is just a hunch. I also realized that when you do get Mastery it goes to the bird who knocked it out.

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  • tinostar11

    I confirm that not to be the case. I think when they drop is completely random. I’ve done a few battles in Pumpkin Plateau 1 and I’ve got some to drop.


    I did say this was just a hunch. And also the battles I did was at Old Nesting Barrows. Which is slightly better then Pumpkin Plateau.


    @partshade, @tinostar11 — Are you saying your birds get promoted to Master class just by playing a battle?


    Yes but it would take VERY long. And its not Master class anymore. Its Mastery ranks and some enemies drop it. You do know about the new update right? It added lots of new stuff.

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