TMNT add is glitching

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum TMNT add is glitching

  • 20 click to watch TMNT add & it just keeps coming back to the same add. Does not rotate to new add.

    And 24hr latter my original post still says “Awaiting moderation” a little feed back would be nice.

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  • sparty83

    This is a fan site run by fans and not by Rovio. The admins of this site do not work for nor are they compensated in any way by Rovio. If you have a problem with in game advertising, I would suggest you contact Rovio directly.


    Whoops. Thank you!


    I’ve ran into the same TMNT hickup. After a while it goes away but it won’t do you any good if you’re 100 points under in the Arena and need the extra bird…

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum TMNT add is glitching

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