Trajectory dots not always right

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Trajectory dots not always right

  • I use the dotted-line projections to aim birds, and usually they are spot on and very helpful – especially when using the wormhole tunnels. But sometimes they are really far off and the bird doesn’t stay anywhere near them. Are they sometimes wrong on purpose, or just like 70% accurate?

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  • Dezsike

    The dots are accurate as long as nothing gets in the way. When the bird hit something like a teleporter or trampoline the dots sometimes become inaccurate. This is because the dots are calculated in a static way but those objects alter the movement of the birds depending where they hit them. Try to aim a bird to the very edge of a trampoline and watch where they go. They will fly away but the dots will appear as they would hit the middle.


    The dots, unlike other Angry Birds flinger titles, sometimes stay after a bird collides with an object during flight, following the falling bird everywhere they go until they vanish. Weird.


    I’ve found that on very long throws, the birds end up a bit short. I’ve adjusted my aim knowing that.


    Since you mention that … I haven’t figured out the trick of predicting just how far a particular bird will travel. Pulling back farther on the slingshot seems to affect things up to a point. Are there any other tricks (other than aiming up/down and environmental stuff like fans) that affect the speed or distance?


    Trajectory dots are not always reliable, depending the bird used and who knows what. Usually bird falls short if it does not follow the dots, rarely overshooting. It’s frustrating to see birds deviating the trajectory one after another and wasting multiple birds trying to hit a single pig in plain sight!



    In my opinion, the problem is the screen. I play on two devices: an iPad Pro and an iPhone. The iPad aiming is always and I really mean ALWAYS better than the iPhone aim. The screen is bigger and has a higher resolution, you can aim more carefully and lifting your thumb will not result in any change of the trajectory. On the iPhone on the other hand, especially when the screen is quite “dirty” or “greesy” from the constant touching, the aim is unreliable. It’s not a problem in the game, if you ask me – keep the screen clean before playing something important like MEBC or clan scores and the trajectory will be more reliable – at least this is my personal experience.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Trajectory dots not always right

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