Transformer addicts on iOS…how are you spending the wait time?

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Transformer addicts on iOS…how are you spending the wait time?

  • I am impatient for the update. I decided to take my mind off the wait by giving myself a task. My transformers range from L7 to L10. I am on a mission to get all my transformers up to a minimum level of 8. If I upgrade non stop that will take me until next Saturday.

    Any bets on when we will see the iOS update?

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  • Red7827

    The Rovio is obviously now extending the waiting time, so we can get the update literally at any moment now


    @vrinda-rajkumar rovio says that in this month ios but i only saw that because i suppossed that you can´t wait anymore but i don´t have that problem and also this update is´nt the first update only on android for transformers because before this update we recived an update before this with a new area , the cobalt valley , (i´m an android user ) but i hope also an update for android because this updae it´s not the big deal (the wrong area completed bug is worst than ever because also the eggbots are intercepting forever the areas when you have this bug ) so if you want to see the description of google play for this update is not the desccription for this update is the description of the previous update ( we are to versions more than ios ) but every version makes worst the game so don´t hope an update the more soon as possible :)


    I’m just collecting more coins and working on getting my first 20 TFs all upgraded to L8 (13 out of 20 of the way there …)

    At this rate, I wonder if they’re all going to be L9 before we see the iOS update …


    Its good to upgrade beforehand. This way when the update comes everyone will have plenty of time to upgrade the 5 newbies.


    Not playing much, except every so often when the video double points are available both on the main game and Jenga mode. One thing I’ve discovered is if video doubling is working, sometimes rebooting the iPhone will get it going again. Two more left to upgrade to level 8. Over 13,000 pigs available so I’m ready to unlock new areas when the upgrade gets here.

    Mad Kat

    I have over 80,000 pigs! I am half proud and half embarrassed to admit that.

    – thanks for the reboot tip to keep seeing videos.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Transformer addicts on iOS…how are you spending the wait time?

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