Two random questions

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Two random questions

  • 1. The final marker on Eastern Cobalt Plateau (9 – the one on the end of the sand bar) had a flashing light on it. I had three-starred the level long ago, but I played it anyway. There was a pig there I had never seen before (a sea captain variant, Captain Red Beard), and when I beat it, the level pole flashed with a shower of sparks, but there was no obvious other reward. If I replay the level, Capt. Red Beard is still there but the pole doesn’t emit a shower of sparks. Anyone know what that flashing light on the pole was for?

    2. If I get all eight of the first elite upgrades (I’m missing Elite Bard, Elite Seadog, and Elite Skulkers), will it show me the second set of eight elite classes, and will that second set include Elite Rogues and Elite Druid?

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  • Nightcrawler

    Elite druid and rogues will be available in the upcoming kraken pig event


    1) That level is one of the two new ones (or maybe it’s three?), replacing the two removed from South Beach in the new tutorial. It does not give you any particular reward, and the stars are already included in your total from the previous beaten levels. The Pigs in these levels are quite strong.
    2). No, unfortunately not. This second wave of Elites are not currently purchasable.


    @pointless Thanks. Yes. Those pigs were a pain. I now noticed that Captain Red Beard also appears in the hard level of the current event. I’ll have to look over the map and find the other two.

    Rovio’s strategy of trying to convince us to spend LCs is weird. Why not offer all of the elite upgrades? It made a lot of sense to me from a “suck money out of people” perspective that you would have to buy the first eight before you could get the second eight.

    Josh Forsythe

    Quick question unrelated. What’s the best way to grind XP what stages etc. I want to buy some rolls on the golden pig but I hear it’s useless unless max level. So my goal is to max out as fast as possible any help is appreciated. Thanks

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Two random questions

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