Upcoming Event- Halloween (Witch/Elite Witch)

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  • RedYoshi45

    There are always people playing the event. Like me right now :P
    My theory is that people simply didn’t post here because this topic was not on page 1 anymore. People instead posted on the 1.5.3 topic.


    @smwforever45 Well maybe that as well.


    @smwforever45 I’m trying to convince myself that I’ve a chance of finishing in the top three… which I haven’t done in God knows how many events. I’d love the max reward but I just haven’t the time to grind it out. Seeing people with such absurd numbers so early… crushes my will to live. Anyhoo, hope lives eternal, I guess. XD


    Good luck mate :) If not top 3, try to go for top 7. That’s also a decent result.
    I’ll try and keep up with the competition, but for now all my stamina is gone so… :)


    @smwforever45 I’ve got 280 SD saved. Perhaps I’ll burn through it in this event. We’ll see how crazy the grinders are on my board. Good luck to you too, Digga. XD


    Is anyone else playing against zero-level pigs in the first three Halloween screens (Halloween 1, 2, and 3)?
    My Epic update hit after I had started the Halloween event, and now all of the pigs could be blown over with a feather. One hit with Rainbird and they are all defeated. This wasn’t the case before the update. Just wondering if anyone else is seeing the same. This may be one of the easiest (but boring) events if it holds up!


    I updated before the event started, and the pigs are Level 60 on my game. Still, not the hardest event. Level 3 is easy to clear for me with Stone Guard, Thunderbird and Skulkers, even though those three are my weakest birds.


    Level 3 is very easy, that is true. I have been clearing it one turn per wave, not even using the Chili. We’ll have to wait, obviously, to see if the Event gets more difficult.

    Have the “pleasure” of having MyF#@ksmile on my board :X


    Pretty sure it will. Level 3 has always been quite easy. 10 and 20 are usually the hardest… unless you get to use 4 birds, of course.

    No known people on my own board BTW, and there are no heavy grinders either. But apparently, I’ve got a YouTuber on my board. Someone by the name of “YT:GamingBTB” is competing against me. I looked this username up on YouTube and found a single search result, AKA channel. But this guy does mostly Five Nights At Freddy’s videos. Not sure if that is the same person also playing Angry Birds Epic…


    Well so far it looks like all my birds got weaker. Event seems to work like it is supposed to, but I think this could be my last ABE event. After 2+ years, it is just not good enough a game to keep tolerating the crap they keep pulling.


    And it looks like the mastery to next level is a lot less than it used to be? Who the heck has the patience to keep figuring all this out?


    Yeah. By stretching the mastery ranks, of course the amount of mastery needed to the next rank decreases. That’s normal.

    They also couldn’t keep the birds at equal stats. Why? Because if they had wanted to do that, the stat increase with each rank would have had to be 2.2874%! You can’t possibly do this. It’s OK that the birds got a bit weaker, because in return, pigs and other players in the Arena have been made weaker as well.

    Don’t quit. :(


    @smwforever45 They should have opted for a 3% boost instead and that way “You can’t possibly do this” would have been a bit more agreeable. That would have made them comparable to their old stats & It’s NOT OK to me that my birds became weaker. I don’t like nerfs in general.


    @smwforever45 While my brain can see what you are talking about, it doesn’t change the fact that my heart is all torn up over the rebalancing. I know that my rogues are still doing roughly the same percentage of damage they did before, but I was excited to get their “damage per turn” above 2k mark, and now that landmark (which took considerable grinding to achieve) is arbitrarily whisked away, lol. I tend to agree with @datguygamer about nerfs, and feel that if you want to balance gameplay, you introduce new rules, equipment, and/or strengthen the weaker side to generate new excitement of competition. You don’t devalue stats on the stronger side. It is just a matter of preference, but ya can’t fault people for their preferences, lol.


    I can understand why @epicgrindr will quit after this event, too much nerfing and all the shenanigans happening right now because they didn’t test the game proprely can make someone quit the game, especially when there is nothing to nerf aside for obvious greed.

    Also @smwforever45, i’ll come back with the story of the bananas with an example :
    Imagine you buy already prepared chocolate milk in 1,5L format but there is also a 0,5L format that exists, in a store who also provides milk and chocolate seperatley for you to buy.

    One day, the store decides to not sell the 1,5L anymore, so you are stuck with either the 0,5L format or buy the chocolate and milk seperately.

    This is the same outcome that happens with the erase of the level giving the 3 bananas and you’re stuck with either 1 banana or the seed/water combo.

    But one would wonder why they do this in the first place *cough*fruitcakeupgrade*cough*


    @epicgrindr @datguygamer
    I as a mathematician-type just don’t see the difference whether you fight with a 2000-damage Paladin against a 1600-damage Paladin, or with a 1600-damage Paladin against a 1280-damage Paladin. It’s essentially the same battle, sorry :/
    They nerfed both sides and that is an OK nerf to me. I would protest if they were to make me weaker but not the enemy.


    Funnily, I was even confronted with a similar situation in real life. I usually bought 2L boxes of ice tea as my “wake-up call” drink. Now they don’t offer these anymore, instead offering 1L boxes. I decided to go for the 1L boxes instead of changing the brand.

    But honestly, I never grinded for bananas. I have enough bananas as it is, and 100+ fruit cakes as well. If I need more, I’ve got plenty of water and decent seed sources.


    @smwforever45 In the first case, there’s a difference of 400 points while in the second case, it is 320 points which means the enemy got strong by 80 points. That’s your difference and I don’t like that it’s there now. It’s not the same battle. Sorry, but the nerf is not ok to me at all.

    I have decided to break the game. If Rovio can screw the rules, so can I now.


    @smwforever45 Maybe I can put it in perspective this way: my M13 Wizard is two levels away from max level. If I enchant my equipment a little more, it is strong enough to compete against a M15 wizard opponent. So I am grinding away trying to get to M15, getting closer, and suddenly “BAM”! The opponent’s M15 Wizard is now a M60 Wizard (and has not become weaker?) while my M13 is now M53, and HAS become significantly weaker. So now I can’t compete until I get closer to M60.

    Well, I guess you could say that now I don’t have collect ALL that 50k mastery to get stronger: I will just get stronger in smaller increments, more often. I guess that is a good thing. But you cannot tell me that whoever is sitting there with M60 birds isn’t laughing their butts off at how much weaker a large percentage of their opponents just got. Or maybe they never get matched up with weaker opponents? I’ll never know, because every time I get close to catching up, Rovio raises the level limit. I feel like I am actually getting further and further away from achieving bird level cap due to the game changes.

    So depressing! I guess I should quit wasting time moaning about it and go grind some more! ?


    Oh no! @datguygamer broke the game!

    , both cases are a 20% decrease in power which is a fair nerf. From your perspective, both would need to have a reduction of 400 damage. But in the first case, that’s a 20% decrease, and in the second case that’s a 25% decrease which is not a fair nerf because it takes more off a player whose birds aren’t as strong, making them even less competitive than they already are. Taken to an extreme, if you were to take 20% off 400 damage, you would get 320, leaving you with a weakened but not useless bird. If you took 400 damage off, you’d end up at 0. You can safely throw that class away. What’s the fair nerf now?


    M60 should’ve become weaker too; my M60 Wizard doesn’t have the same power as my M15 Wizard pre-update. On the other hand, 53/4 is 13.25, which means a slight increase for you. This should be a good thing, not a bad thing.

    You’re not alone with that feeling… but one day I will get there. No matter how much further the limit is increased. I’m slowly approaching. ;)


    @smwforever45 I know the second case is not fair in terms of percentage reductions but I would rather not have ANY nerfs at all, whether it’s fair or not. If I am introduced to the system from the get-go in this way, then it’s okay but I was accustomed to my strength for too long to just accept when they “Don’t worry, it’s fair.” If you remember the talk we had with caves, I hate nerfs; of ANY kind. If you have to nerf, introduce that thing nerfed from the start (like how I still can’t accept my Valiant nerf), otherwise my psyche starts to act up. When they changed the class upgrades to mastery, I didn’t hate it because they made our birds stronger than what the initial upgrades offered. But this time, I don’t like it. I am not against change mind you, but a change that decreases the credibility of my save file is unacceptable to me. As I said, they should have rounded the percentage to 3 instead of 2. That way, things would have worked out very well.

    I haven’t broken the game yet because I never wanted to, but I definitely will after this update. Rovio can take all four of my middle fingers.


    My leaderboard is pretty funny. I’m in 11th place, everyone but me has the CHEATER stamp…obviously a glitch. Anyone else’s board look like this?


    Nerfs are obviously bad but I was talking about which nerf is better. ;)

    Valiant had to be nerfed. 100% was too much, c’mon.


    Yup, you’re not alone. I don’t have it but @bubbley had.


    I have the same cheater labels (except for myself in third) on the people in my board.


    @metztli013 @smwforever45 I have a board like that. My problem is, I know because Rovio have told me, that I am in a Cheater league. So although @smwforever45 has told me that this is the glitch from the previous event it’s really hard to play with this. I can’t see what is happening in my league. I understood from @smwforever45 post that everyone had this glitch. Well now I know that this is not the case.

    So I don’t know what is really happening to you. I from my position can’t say it’s a glitch.


    This is the event leaderboard we’re talking about…
    You’re in a Cheater league in the Arena. But not in this event…

    I stand by my point, it’s a glitch.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Upcoming Event- Halloween (Witch/Elite Witch)

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