Upcoming Event- Halloween (Witch/Elite Witch)

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  • RedYoshi45

    This may explain why people on my board got zeroed even though they played normally!
    They may have simply exceeded the 80k point mark…

    I also see a notion about “power<186A0”. So teams with a power level of above 100,000 are also auto-zeroed?


    @bubbley The only “grinding” part for me was the battles I had to fight to complete my objectives. Otherwise, I never played a single battle outside that and I personally never gained more than 50K in Diamond ever because of this.

    However, I am not saying reaching that milestone is tough or impossible.


    @smwforever45 This part is only in beta and it is not fully developed yet. Also, you cannot reach a power level of 100K; that number is instead associated with the score.

    If your score is between 80K and 100K, you have a possibility of being labeled as cheater. That’s greater than 80K and lesser than 100K for score. The line starting with “<” is not preceded by the line ending with “power”. Those are two separate arguments. I guess it’s very easy to think that the sign is made for power but ADB shell does not use end arguments such as “;” to end a flag. :)


    Ohhhhh okay.

    And what happens if my score is above 100k?


    @smwforever45 Nothing, they didn’t code that far. :P


    I just noticed during a friend roll (which was @kennymcc) that you can now see their progression and unlocks on that Bird Podium. Neat feature.


    Thinking all cheaters would stop at 100k points and not go beyond that…

    Oh and what you said about seeing the friends’ progress, this has already been possible before. You could always tap the totem. And due to a glitch, I was also able to tap on a friend’s anvil (not the cauldron) and I would be directed to my own anvil.


    @smwforever45 I totally imagined that meme when you did that faceplant. :P

    However, it isn’t coded yet, maybe they will in later versions.

    Also really? Was the totem always there and I never noticed it all this time? Wow, I am as blind as a bat. Or maybe even more.


    Also more bugs: None of those video item chests show up for me, can’t watch video for 5 stamina, video rolls on GPM and GAPM won’t work. It’s a mess.


    @datguygamer interesting coding, but as you say, only beta. Wholeheartedly agree that the limit of 100K is ridiculous. I have topped that in Diamond on many occasion (which may be why I believe Rovio has labelled me as a cheat) and had five this week surpass that mark (all cheaters btw).
    As far as the toss, @bubbley is right on that this doesn’t affect the cheaters, as these people don’t actually play. So what are we to assume knowing this in conjunction with our own toss results? That Rovio thinks we may be cheaters, so our win ratio is way down?


    There are many faceplant pictures when I look up “Faceplant meme” on Google; is there any specific one you’re talking about? :P

    Oh and videos work absolutely fine for me. It seems iOS users have less trouble with ads… or maybe European users because of different ads.
    However, as already the case in all events before, it’s impossible for me to watch an ad every 24 hours. I can watch one only every 48 hours. Else it would always say “No ad scheduled”. Since 1.5.3, it doesn’t even show that message. I just tap the button and nothing happens.


    @pointless I don’t know what your toss ratio is my is really bad. Do we lose no. It’s just so stupid to intoroduce these levels and then alter the toss. We haven’t been able to see friends scores for some time but when we could you and I always had above 80k when we were in Diamond. @kennymcc says he can easily gain 8k an hour if he has the desire. These limits are so uninformed. What is the matter with Rovio? All they will achieve is punishment of honest players.

    You probably don’t need such a rant at the moment but I am unbelievably cross. Sorry.


    @bubbley I am 20-40%, day dependent, and yes, I rarely lose (usually only when I am trying to complete an Objective and get carried away).
    No issues with the venting, we are in the same boat.


    @pointless Had a thought – they don’t want people to play their game. Silly me as usual didn’t get the point early on.


    @bubbley correction: they don’t want honest people, those that actually play for the entertainment aspect and sense of accomplishment to play the game. I am so sick of this laisse faire attitude that Rovio seems to take, leaving us yo take the brunt.
    Case in point, just had a cheater take first on my Event board, going from last to the top with a total of 100,886 points. If that isn’t obvious enough that it triggers all kinds of anti-cheating reactions, then there is no hope at all that things will ever be made right.


    I have never seen this before in an event, but my board is almost flat in terms of score structure for the top ten positions. From #10 to #1, the separation is about 7,000 points total. The top score is about 60,000, and #10 is around 53,000. So if you win one battle and get 1200 points, your rank changes by three positions. I expect it will get more frantic as the event goes on, but I wonder if this is what it looks like if there are no cheaters.


    @bubbley @pointless That’s the problem. These methods inhibit the honest players rather than the cheaters. However, I want to post this update, remember when I said there were more than 20 methods for entering/increasing scores?

    Well, half of them does not work anymore when I tried some of them yesterday. Just wanted to let you know that. Maybe gradually they will completely eliminate these methods? Who knows.



    About those energy videos, they are set up very poorly. You can collect 5 free energy every 24 hours but the video prompt only pops up the first time you are under 5 energy after midnight your time. So if you claim those energy at 1 am the first day and then you try to claim it at just after midnight the second day, the video won’t play and you won’t get another chance to claim it until the following day.


    @bubbley Bubs, your rants are always welcome! We ALL need your rants! Vent, vent!!

    LESS of this –


    And MORE of this –


    (curiously, the second pic is how you look to me… in my IMAGINATION)

    SUCH a coincidence!

    R O F L


    @angryde OMG, ROFL!!! XD

    Also weird why even though the set item is there, it hasn’t shown up in the GPM when it did for the last two months.


    @shapokomanbeast Got fobbed off again wrt in-app promo code. Rovio claimed that “Apple manages their own store. The only way to compensate your loss is through Rovio account.” Of course Apple manages their own store; that has nothing to do with in-app promo code! I’ve pushed back and will update on follow up.


    Another Epic message appeared.
    The pigs in the event (not sure about the pigs outside the event) have been made even weaker. A Ghost had 1,720 health on Level 60 before; now its health is exactly 10% lower.


    @angryde hilarious. Frozen.



    Good for you, their excuses are sad ?
    It’s like the time a parking booth attendant told me the parking lot had nothing to do with the Staples that the parking lot surrounded. So you just built a parking lot around Staples and they didn’t know about it? SMH ?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Upcoming Event- Halloween (Witch/Elite Witch)

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