Upcoming Event- Halloween (Witch/Elite Witch)

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Upcoming Event- Halloween (Witch/Elite Witch)

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  • birdiegf

    Hello there birdies. Just a quick question. What happens if everyone at my league have Cheater as name or picture and im the only one normal. Right now i have like 43k points and the first place have near the 100k points. They are heavy grinders and my game is bugged that i see everyone as cheaters or all my league are cheaters…never happened to me before this.


    That is a glitch. We are having it too. Believe me, there are cheaters, but your entire leaderboard is not cheating.


    @smwforever45 We are sure that @gianfranco-fontana-portella hasn’t been relegated to a cheaters league like poor @bubbley ??? :-/


    @shapokomanbeast Got fobbed again for the final time. Another support guy has stated the policy of not compensating without Rovio account. So the previous reply I got is just an excuse for really wanting people to use Rovio account, and has nothing to do with the technical possibility of reimbursing people with in-app promo code.

    After paying for a defective product which Rovio cannot fix, they insist that I provide them with something they can monetize before they will compensate me for the trouble I have, while staying mum on the question if I’m in a cheater league filed separately at the same time. Well, I was considering whether to use a Rovio account, but it ain’t gonna happen now. I understand the need to generate revenue, and possibly technical difficulty without using Rovio account. However, this exchange of messages lead me to conclude that revenue is the only thing they care, and their support is just unacceptable. I sincerely hope that others will receive or continue to receive reasonable support from Rovio.

    Green Whacker

    Rovio accounts are free to make so what’s the deal?


    They get to say to advertisers, “we have this many people with accounts.”


    @toolow You mean “robbed”? Because “fobbed” is a word I have never heard.


    @datguygamer To put off by evasion. I wouldn’t say “robbed” because that’s not what I had in mind and because of double meaning of taking away what I have maliciously. The end result, however, still means that I’m conditionally denied compensation. I should say that I did state in the exchange of messages that I’d forgo compensation if there is no other way.


    @toolow Noe that I think about it, I think I get what you mean. Don’t worry, we all know how Rovio works nowadays.


    @datguygamer Oh, “fobbed” is a word, believe me!

    Very common in Australian English.

    Fob it, got fobbed, fobbed it off, etcetera.




    @angryde Yeah, I well understand what that means and in what context it’s used (but at the time of writing that it slipped my mind). XD


    Help! Some levels in this event seem to be impossible to pass!
    Like level 13. I already tried many many times, with different combinations of classes and improved the strength of the weapons for the birds…still nothing. They got slaughtered.I even have the max level 60 at the stars….. I don’t know if I should just give up completely. It is not the first time I cannot finish an event. Some levels seem impossible, even though I have advanced a lot from one event to the next….Maybe they are ment to be like that…. Sorry for the rant… However, if anyone has any tips or similar experience please let me know. Thank you.


    @alinamicio – What is the mastery level of your birds? Worst case, go upgrade your chili cakes, and mix up as many as you can so you can use the chili every round.


    I feel like something about the 4th wave of levels has been messed up.
    Level 12 is advertised as a “medium” difficulty level and gives such rewards but has only 1 wave while they always have two.
    On the other hand, Level 13 is advertised as an “easy” difficulty level and gives such rewards, but has 2 waves while they always have one. PLUS this level has a VERY strong Siren, something I’d expect in a boss level (10 or 20). The boss of Level 10, on the other hand, was just a STANDARD Frankenswine (or whatever its English name is).

    Green Whacker


    They may have done that on purpose to throw ya off and catch ya napping :-)


    I feel they have united against me, yeah. The whole Mastery stuff proves this further. XD


    @alinamicio I got through with M59 E Paladin, M58 Rainbird w/ Reborn and M53 E Bard w/ Nightmare. This combination of healers kept them alive while E Paladin Heroic Strike helped to take out the strongest enemy ASAP. You can, of course, top it up with Cherry Juice and Fruit Cake. Failing which, Mighty Eagle’s Favorite Dish comes in handy.


    @alinamicio – Yep. Basically impossible for me as well, short of Mighty Eagle’s Dish I suppose. That pregnant “Howler” in wave 2 has way too much health for me to take down without about 25+ attacks, and by that time about 20 babies have spawned. I have failed about 8 times so far and haven’t made it past yet. I am new enough that I do not have all the classes; like I don’t have Paladin or Bard yet, which are two of the classes someone mentioned above.

    Question for others – does everyone face the same enemies in levels like these? Or do they scale with your birds levels?

    For example, my Blue Star level is 31. My bird power levels are between 73 (Chuck) and 106 (Red). All my masteries are around level 15, give or take.

    This pregnant Howler in question has 9000+ HP, and I can’t do more than 200-400 per attack on it. For those of you who are much higher level and can do 4000 with one hit, does your Howler also have 9000-ish HP? Or does it have much more?


    @e5c4p3artist the enemies are scaled to your own Birds’ level. The Howler in question had well over 20K HP for me (L60). Wasn’t much of a problem, as my Birds are all M15 with complete, highly Enchanted Sets, which is obviously a great help in situations like these.


    Enemies in event levels, dungeons (after initial clearing) and caves (after initial clearing) scale with your birds’ level. So if you are level 31, the pigs will also be level 31.

    My Howler has over 25,000 HP. I can’t do 4,000 damage per hit, though. 2,000 is the most for me.

    My current standings:

    Leaderboard: #2, about 2k below #1 and about 3k above #3. #4 is 13k points away.
    Collectibles: 10/10, 10/10, 15/15, 9/15, 5/20.


    All M15? Man, your birds sure are weak. :P XD


    @smwforever45 crap…still living behind the times :X
    M60 (still hard getting used to)


    @e5c4p3artist TBH I didn’t really pay attention to the nature of the foes and got through on first try; guess I was lucky as I almost lost the Bard. As for their health, I can tell you that it took quite a number of turns to bring the main foe down with 800-1800 per attack from each bird. That is, they do scale.


    @e5c4p3artist I can’t tell you what power my enemies have at the moment but I have played every battle with Paladin, Wizard, Spies. Always do always have in these events. Never have any trouble.



    That sucks about the account thing?


    @bubbley my go to in these Events is always the same as well, just substituting SeaDog for Spies in your lineup. Can’t go wrong.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Upcoming Event- Halloween (Witch/Elite Witch)

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