Update question regarding feather bonus

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Update question regarding feather bonus

  • The new update includes a new bird, Stella who some know already but I have yet to meet, another is a “triple offer” which I’m assume is just like the double offer of  feathers and BP’s they have at times but will now be x3.  There will no longer have anything called “daily feathers”,  which I believe are the ones you get when you log in daily from what ever that days featured bird is. This new feature “feather bonus” is it the same thing as “daily feathers” they just changed the name? Or is it something to do with feeding your baby bird? Or something completely different?

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  • SB311

    The feather bonus only happens when you level up your bird. Depending on which bird you leveled up, you get five cards that pop up and they only contain feathers for that specific bird. Once you pick a card, you have the option to pay I believe it was 120 gems to pick another card. It happened to me for two of my birds yesterday. Unfortunately, it was before the double feather frenzy kicked in. :(


    I leveled up Matilda last night and took a screenshot of the feather bonus, but I dont know how to post pictures. Can someone give me the instructions?

    I ended up getting 19,000 extra feathers after I paid 120 gems to pick a second card (14000 for the free card and 5000 for the card I bought).


    So I levelled up chuck to but got no feather bonus. Has anybody else had the same issue. Also I know the daily feathers have been replaced but with what?


    Daily feathers have been replaced with the feather bonus. The feather bonus appears to only be a chance of receiving, and not every time time you level up a bird.


    Only a chance? In the light of recent events, I’d say that’s one more thing Rovio arranged to have more possibilities for… nicely put, “experimenting”.


Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Update question regarding feather bonus

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