
  • Haven’t upgraded my game in a while- been too “chicken” to do so. In the past, the game would not let me continue until I did so.
    I have level 377, about 139k pigs, 9.4m coins, and about 1400 gems. I think it is time to update.
    Anything I should know before I take the plunge???

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  • BP

    I still have the silo with 12/15/5 SR levels. Best way I have been getting gems is with 1 DG and 2 badness protectors. The silo changed a little while today, and the gems went from max of 10 to 25 for a little while. I was able to grab some gems then. I have been really stingy with the gems lately, not even going after the domes.


    Looks like Rovio made the choice for us. I’ve been putting off updating too but just got the forced update box. Downloading now with fingers crossed.


    This is one of the most benign updates (i.e. game loads and no obvious bugs) that I’ve experienced in quite a while.

    There. Now I’ve said it. Waiting for app to crash shortly.

    ** Fingers Crossed **


    It has been crashing for me when an ad plays before a level. The bonus ones work though.

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