Upgrade Karts Slower Than Previous Level
So I don't know why this is but it seems like a couple of my karts are actually slower after I upgrade them to their next level. I've noticed this specifically for the two "free" karts in Stunt. I just upgraded to the Rocket Racer L3 from L2 and when I play the first Stunt race my kart is very noticeably slower. Where I was always easily winning the first track on vs hard by a long shot with the L2 kart now that I've upgrade to L3 I can tell that my kart is noticeably slower and I lose a lot more often. I know it's not just that my competition is getting harder/faster as I can notice that I clearly don't fly as far off of jumps or hit ceilings with the upgraded L3 kart when I did with the L2 karts.
Has anyone else noticed or experienced this or know why this is? I also noticed the exact same thing with the Point Breaker kart. This seems to happen between the 2nd and 3rd level upgrades of both of these karts for me. Again, this only happened to me with the karts in Stunt and none of the other tracks. I can almost always beat my opponents in multiplayer in any of the other courses with fully upgraded karts but I have a hard time even finishing 3rd in any of the three Stunt tracks.