Deceptihogs' Revenge (iOS & Android) – new characters and more

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Deceptihogs' Revenge (iOS & Android) – new characters and more

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  • Josm

    @optimuspig i had the luck it only costs a few gems, not real money


    @josm how were you able to get Jenga mode with gems?


    @optimuspig only a few lucky players were able to get it with gems instead of real money


    The area complete bug that wasn’t fixed has changed a bit. I’ve noticed that I’m not getting it as often. But the big change is that you no longer need to force quit to get your coins. All you have to do now is click on Astrotrain. If you watch your coins before you click on Astrotrain, and then look at them once it opens up the screen of your characters you will see that your coins have been added. Not completely fixed, but much better than before. Force quitting was a bit tedious and very annoying. This is only a very minor annoyance.


    I don’t think force-quit was ever necessary. I noticed that even if the coins didn’t register after completing a run, following the next run the coins total was already updated with the previous run’s coins before the new coins from the most recent run were added.


    Good news: seems like Rovio started to work on Shotgun Pigs! It looks like they have now less health and firepower and no longer can kill you from distance. The only downside is, they are still deadly if you don’t escape them fast.


    I am insanely jealous of you Android users! :) Stupid Apple! Bah humbug!


    Does Rovio usually release Android updates before iOS updates for its games, or is this a bad sign?


    They are always doing this to don’t make Android players angry that iOS always gets soft releases first.


    The quick death wasn’t fixed, at least not for me. Several of my guys that were dying quickly before the update are still dying quickly unless I upgrade them. And I think it is the walking mortar towers stomping on the ground causing an earthquake more than it is shotgun pigs. Because if I can make it to a mortar tower quick enough, the damage will stop. I still have to make it past the mortar towers though.

    Although, there may be multiple causes. Because on these same characters if there are kamikaze flying pigs, they will cause large amounts of damage. So a swarm of them will fly up and before I even have a chance to kill them they will just fly into me and each take a full heart.


    My characters doesn’t seem being longer killed by them. They also no longer jump upon getting hit from them.


    Good morning,

    Can anyone help me receive this update through Amazon apps? I can see the advertisement for the upgrade in the game however on my Kindle the link directs me to the Transformer game but no upgrade. Please if you could assist the kids are dying for new characters!

    Thank you!


    The update is not out yet for Amazon store. The only place where actually update is available is only Google Play Store for Android devices.


    when you intercep levels you figth with the eggbots


    I have an IOS device and have not received the update yet.
    You listed in your post about 5 new characters: Thundercracker, Jazz, Brawl, Grey Slam Grimlock and Dark Megatron

    I am taking a guess based on the shadows on my screen about the birds/pigs with each character listed from left to right:
    Thunder cracker is that Minon Pig (most left)
    Jazz is that Terence (second from the left)
    Brawl is that King Pig (middle)
    Grey Slam Grimlock is that Hal (second from the right)
    Dark Megatron is that King Pig (most right)
    I am not sure if the names are correct with the pigs and birds. Any advice?


    You are 80% correct. Only Jazz is not a Terence but is a newcomer based off Bubbles.


    Indeed, Jazz is new as bubbles (orange bird)

    Mighty Red

    Update has come to iOS, so grab your iPhone or iPad and join the fun.


    Good to know!

    Now I’m going to wait a couple of days for initial feedback before I do anything about it ;)


    Too bad, Android users received nothing though and got left with no updates yet ;(


    So aside from the coins bonus for squads, is scoring generally “looser” after the update?

    I posted my highest scores ever after I updated on iOS yesterday.

    24,000 coins on one level that I ran (this was apparently some kind of “bonus scoring” level – does anyone know how often this happens?). And it was with the most basic version of Optimus Prime, too. So all I got were the +40% for squads and +100% for watching the video. It’s too bad I didn’t get to run it with Ultimate OP for an additional +100% – but I guess now I’m being greedy :P


    @optimuspig On android, I did notice that overall, I did accumulate money faster after the update. I attributed it to the squad percentage and ultimate character bonuses. (A side note, I have noticed that the “100%” you get for ultimate character is rarely correct mathematically, at least not in the way they present it).

    The bonus scoring level you are referring to is I believe what i have seen called “Gold Dome” levels. It asks you to unlock it for a cost of about 10 gems correct? I have noticed I see one of these every other day or third day. I only manage to complete about 15 runs a day, mainly due to running out of warps when a good percentage of the levels available are unplayable due to the bugs. I have not been able to figure out a pattern, or how to determine if it is going to be a gold done before “clicking” it. I am guessing if you do more runs per day you would have more gold dome levels??? They do help you rack up some serious dough. With the right combination of character, enhanced buddy, good overall money level, squad/ultimate bonuses, and watching the video at the end I hit just over $40,000 on one of the gold dome levels. It was a ‘very easy,’ and i had my level 7 Thundercracker paired with a level 10 Bludgeon for 10 seconds). We Decimated just about every pig and block in the level. I was too afraid to take a screenshot, lest the game crash and I lose it LOL.. I think we should get more Gold dome levels as we advance overall, it is the only practical way to get the $$$ required for the higher upgrades. Just my opinion, in case Rovio reads these forums.


    Interesting stuff about the Gold Domes @hxadecmal thanks.

    I thought I saw a “pile” of gold underneath the TF’s picture before I clicked on it to access the level. I’ll have to pay more attention in the future.

    Mighty Red

    @optimuspig @hxadecmel
    To make things clear, a Golden Egg Dome level appears every 3rd day and the spawn of this level is not determined by any actions. Also, the Golden Egg Dome level appears as a 7th level so you have no idea which character you’ll get to play the level with.
    As for the reward boosts, they are awarded correctly – the ultimate character doubles the coins you got from the battle, it doesn’t double the squad bonus.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Deceptihogs' Revenge (iOS & Android) – new characters and more

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