Video for free bird @hank

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Video for free bird @hank

  • Hi – am currently swearing at magician pig on 576. Have given up being upset at the obvious manipulation a within the hard levels. But can you explain the criteria for the “free bird for video?” Reason being I just got all the way to the end – one pig left, easy shot – and suddenly no video. It’s been available every other time, when I’ve run out of birds on lower levels. I mean, come on. This is just naked opportunism. It’s throwing back in our faces the fact that Rovio decides when you complete a level, and has Otho g whatsoever to do with how well you play. Don’t get me wrong, I knew that anyway (!) but this is over-obvious.

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  • Dwhite

    I know they only give you so many and once you’ve gone through your allotment then that’s it. But if you hadn’t used any then you did get the shaft. Nothing would shock me with this carnival.


    Hello @bluedog

    I’m sorry to hear about that frustrating moment, I know the feeling. While it would feel like being cheated, I can assure you that we don’t have any gameplay related parameters for when the video option should be available.

    It will check how many times it’s been used on the client (your game) within the hour and make sure to show it if the quota haven’t been filled. If it’s been filled it will check with the server when a new amount of views will be distributed to you (and give it if available).

    I think there’s also a case where the internet connection might fail or take too long when trying to make this check, then the button might not appear.

    I hope that answers your question. You’ll beat the level in no time, good luck!



    Thanks for the response Hank. Seems plausible – although on the very next pass, played straight after, it WAS available – but not at a crucial point.

    There’s so much about AB2 to admire, but the manipulation aspects leave me cold. Even though it’s just a game, to feel engaged you have to have some belief that what you do, ie how you play – makes a difference. With so many levels it’s obvious this is not the case – you will get through when Rovio decides (cue a run of improbable strikes and free cards galore) and not before. It’s changed the way I play – I’ll pick up in an idle moment, play my 5 attempts and win or lose just shrug and say ‘meh’. Not much point in being engaged with a game where outcomes are clearly decided by the game itself, rather than any skill on behalf of the player.
    I bang on about this because I can’t be the only one to feel this way and I would have thought this dangerous for Rovio – surely the model relies upon players engagement and having a stake in the play itself? What are your thoughts?


    Player engagement is meaningless when someone like me, who’s pretty good (2 birds @ 7 and rest at 6) has come to the point that even squeaking past streak = 1 players in the Arena with all level 6 birds and no spells is a big win. I used to wipe out those players a couple weeks ago.

    Not to mention the frustration of using a ticket immediately after a match often results in playing a 5 spell miracle guy, especially after a loss. I have a significant amount of screen shots captured with such laughable matches.

    Angry Beaver

    Is that normal if you watch the video for free bird and you get… BLIZZARD!
    Happened twice today when i tried to clear #456.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Video for free bird @hank

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