What's better?

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum What's better?

  • I just got a prediction of having 20 gems whilst the Bomb Cup lasting, so I’m wondering if what’s better. Spending 20 gems on four normal slots (using that better option, with guaranteed SS item) or spending all of them on Bomb slot? I’m only having two S items and one A item on him, so I don’t really know what to choose.

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  • Pees2te

    What is you priority? Playing island or monster?
    In your situation i will spend it after cup.
    I’m playing monster and its possible to get ship parts.


    I don’t really know, spending everything on Bomb may make him much better but in cost of no upgrades for other birds. IF I do the normal slot, I can empower some of my birds at once, and maybe even getting lucky at getting some good stuff for Bomb. But I don’t know. I rather choose priority in islands.


    20 gems slot – get 1ss or more, sometimes i get 2ss and 2s


    Oh well, I think you were right. Spent 15 gems on three Bomb slots, the results were awful. Two A items and one S item.


    @gulgor0 Well, it depends. If you want to boost one or two especially weak birds, it’s best to save up a bunch of gems for those specific arenas. Make sure to save up at least 40-50 gems for each event. That’s how I got my SS Matilda weapon. Unfortunately, the past few events, I didn’t save up enough and got nothing but trash.

    But in general, yes, it’s a lot better to roll the 20-gem. That’s what I’ll be doing for the Stella and Matilda arenas, since both have awesome items.

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