Where is Facebook login?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Where is Facebook login?

  • OK, I must be blind… Where do I connect to Facebook from AB2? I see the Google Play connection, but that only seems to save achievements, not level progress. I’d like to get level progress saved in the cloud just so I can backup to another device once in a while. But for the life of me I cannot find the Facebook connection icon. Just want to play with this to see how effective the cloud sync is (though I wish the cloud sync were via my Rovio account, a la Epic).

    Do I actually have to go find a blue gift and then connect when it asks? That sounds like an extreme pain, especially now that gifts are so hard to come by.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Circlerev

    Select any level in the map screen, and you should see Facebook connect-button located on left side of the window.



    Man, thanks. Shows how often I play normal levels (hint: not often).

    Facebook login appeared to work, but now I am all alone on my leaderboard. ??? I even killed the game and started it again — still all by myself in first place.

    Is this a known bug?

    I am going to install AB2 on Bluestacks and log in and see how the Facebook sync works…



    My leaderboard says “Connect to Facebook to play with friends”, because I have not connected to Facebook yet. However, I currently use Game Center which syncs progress between Apple devices.

    I think that leaderboard will show your Facebook friends scores, I’m not sure about it.

    EDIT: Arena leaderboard works fine, some earlier version of AB 2 had some problems with it. Connect to Facebook messages appears only on level windows.



    My Arena leaderboard says no such thing, as I am already connected (and it persists across re-starts). I wonder — if you connect will it reset your board?

    Facebook sync appears to have worked both to BlueStacks (Android) and to my iPhone. But this leaderboard thing is weird. I did sync up all campaign levels, Arena medals, stars, spells, and gems. I’ll log in with my non-primary devices once in a while and see how well it stays updated.

    Thanks again for your help.



    *sigh* OK, any way to DISconnect from Facebook? In messing around, whatever updated my profile also took away my rewards every 30 minutes. I guess that is for the best, though, since it was pretty unfair. I’m just wondering what would happen if I disconnected from FB…


    EDIT: Nevermind, I found out how to remove AB2 from the Facebook end, and that reverted me back to a generic “Red #nnnn” avatar in the game. But I am still the only person on my leaderboard, first place. And my 30-minute treasure chests are still no more…



    So, since I have no Facebook friends, does that mean I can start an Arena week disconnected, get a few stars, then connect to Facebook and get an easy 100 gems for winning?

    I have absolutely no problem exploiting such a bug, because it gives me gems for continuations on impossible campaign levels (and that doesn’t hurt anyone else — i never use spells or gems for any advantage in the Arena).



    Since I don’t use Facebook, it is hard to tell if that is possible.

    Exploiting bugs feels unfair in my opinion. Usually such a thing is classified as a form of cheating. Myself, I don’t want to cheat in any games.



    Nah, that’s why it’s called an exploit, not a cheat. *wink* And I have never exploited anything to give me an advantage on any leaderboard, high score list, or PvP arena play.

    I mean, heck, I’m basically reporting the big here, and if I am able to do it again next week (assuming it stays for the rest of this week), I will report it. Some of these exploits don’t even get fixed in subsequent releases, though…

    Not to mention, if Rovio wanted cloud sync to work right they should sync to our Rovio accounts as opposed to using Facebook as some sort of sync go-between. If this bug is persistent, it is almost assuredly due to using a third party for this sort of log in.

    You should connect to Facebook just to see — you can always disconnect later. Though, I am not sure what that does to the Game Center stuff on an iOS device..




    Just FYI — I was not able to fake out the leaderboard again this week. Must have been a fluke last week when I was able to make myself be all alone on a new board. This week I’m having to duke it out. *smile* Still first place, but not sure I’ll be able to hold onto that lead!




    …. b.lshit there is no connect to FB … waste of time


Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Where is Facebook login?

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