Which double-attack mast is better?

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Which double-attack mast is better?

  • I’ve got two special masts, one for Matilda and one for Stella. Which is more useful?

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  • Mighty Red

    @mp127 I believe Stella deals a greater attack than Matilda, so go with Stella’s mast. Heck, Matilda’s attack is the lowest of all the birds.


    What other boat parts do you have? Are any of them appearance increase powerups?


    Bow from Squid Pig event and Cruiser, so any special captains effects.


    Jealous that you’ve been able to get two of those masts… I’ve had my eye on the Bomb and Red ones.



    @mp127, I have the 2x Matilda on iPad & 2x Chuck on iPhone & agree with @mighty-red-1, the Matilda Mast is the worst of these 2x Attack masts. Stella has to be better because Matilda is awful. I calculated that she provides about 9.15 x the Matilda quantity, i.e. 100 Matilda with this Mast provides an Attack of approx 915 2 times. On the other hand, (I believe) Chuck Attack is the highest & is about 13.75 x the Chuck quantity or 1375 2 times for 100 Chuck.

    I suggest you test this by picking the Matilda Mast, selecting her as Captian & noting the Attack value. Switch to the Stella Mast, change her to the Captain & do the same thing. Obviously it’s imperative to change the Captain to match the Mast & I only mention this because during the Fog Event I saw many of these 2x Masts with mismatched Captains therefore the Mast was in essence worthless.


    Check your Stella’s equipment as well. My captain is Bomb and I had to put away his SS gear and equip him with an old boombox because it added attack.


    i do say go for stella (or matilda if you have other parts which one gives extra heal if matilda is leader. i forget name but i have 1 part when matilda captain i am geting extra 500 heal)

    i have 2x bow for matilda and chuck. i wish a 2x for bomb

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Which double-attack mast is better?

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