wierd arena bug

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum wierd arena bug

  • don’t know if i’m the only one who noticed that, but…

    sometime when you kill a bird in arena it just come back to life for no reason.
    (i know that there’s the resurrection emblem but that’s not the case)

    opponent life goes to 0, the side effect of the death is triggered (last one had vengeful emblem that went boom, my team took the damage, and i clearly saw the word “Vengeful” coming out of the banner) and than he just got his hp back, right after the explosion.

    It happened several time, almost always at the beginning of the match on the first kill (before any kind of health regen buff could be applied), it happened a lot when killing chuck and/or the blues (but since they are the first you kill i don’t know if it’s a bird related issue).

    Did someone else noticed that?
    If the topic has already been discussed elsewhere just link me to the topic and feel free to delete this post

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  • Mighty Red

    @mala Since you mentioned Chuck and the Blues, it’s obvious you were battling Chuck that had the Reborn set (Phoenix Egg + Phoenix Feather) and Blues that had the Save Me! set (The Sling + Angry Birds Plushies). These sets allow Chuck and the Blues to instantly revive with 50% health after their health drops to 0, once per battle.


    cannot be sure about the type of weapon, nor about the fact that happened only with chuck and the blues, i’ll try to look closer next time and give you more info if there’s something wrong.

    ty for your answer


    It has happened to me a few times where the enemy birds come back to life after 1 turn instead of 3 and they are at full health, but that is very rare. Most likely you are fighting an opponent with the Reborn or Save Me sets.


    This is definitely the result of “Reborn” and “Save Me!” set items. The first time such a bird is “knocked out”, they regain half of their HP and continue play.

    This is currently functioning correctly.


    Nope, it’s not just set bonus. I’ve had Chuck not only come back against me, be get a turn in the middle of my turn. Chuck had a miss matched set, Blues had Spies with the robot set, and no Bomb to cast counter. The banner was never a matched set either. It’s happened a handful of times, it’s always the first time that bird is knocked out, and it also seems to deal more damage than should be possible. But it’s not happening often enough to be bothered reporting it, for me at least. This is the least problematic bug I’ve encountered so I’m willing to let it be.

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