Windblade Accessories

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  • WeeNaoise

    I suspect that the 5%, 10% and 20% are not mathematical certainties but just represent rough hierarchy of magnitude. Since we want to be as destructive as possible then we should be going for 10% explosive force rather than 20% defence – unless we are regularly dying.


    @cow23 Wrong cup…King Pig is a male… Think below the belt!



    I just realized the Autobirds logo today, some crazy shot where it looked like the camera was trying to look down her top… I think I just took this conversation a bit lower than intended…

    Well, @optimuspig started the conversation focused on body parts…:)


    I couldn’t understand how breast augmentation would help bludgeon.

    Lol! Why not? With that face, he’s certainly not attractive to women!


    As far as I have noticed, out of ALL the accessories, the best ones, hands down are the ones that give the bot projectiles Explosive Force. The basic Optimus Prime is virtually the strongest starting character now thanks to his barrage of accessories. Bumblebee doesn’t even come close to his power.


    @pampeans Ilike that… Having ssomebody to blame… It’s all @optimuspig fault ;-)
    Sorry bud… I can’t blame this one on the rain, it’s snow time here. As much as I can try to stretch it, I can’t blame Rovio… At least they gave us a character to talk about in ways other than bot abilities!!!

    I’m also happy that autocorrect didn’t change bot to butt…


    As far as I have noticed, out of ALL the accessories, the best ones, hands down are the ones that give the bot projectiles Explosive Force. The basic Optimus Prime is virtually the strongest starting character now thanks to his barrage of accessories. Bumblebee doesn’t even come close to his power.

    Which is better for Optimus – incendiary or explosive rounds? The first costs more gems but the latter seems to make bots like starscream much more powerful.


    @starscream Explosive Force. It makes all his shots explosive and thus structures whittle down in no time. You can keep tapping the same area and it will clear off any structure in no time.


    Thanks. I went ahead and got them.


    deleted post – PBJ already relayed the info many moons ago before me…


    I just unlock wind blade but it doesn’t say where you can get the newer accessories on her page or on the comp. Anyone know what to do?


    For the moment,you may spent you tokens for the accesories.. Keep playing,earn tokens and trade them for the things you want/need to have..



    When you first unlock her, you have to swipe left — her accessories are at the end on the right. Eventually, they will re-order and be right next to her.

    Francis Crawford

    What do incendiary rounds actually do?

    Or, to anticipate the obvious answer — what does setting things on fire actually do? :)

    For that matter, what do acid rounds do?



    They both cause “damage over time”. So most weapons will cause a set amount of damage with every hit but only when hit, whereas if you set something on fire with an incendiary or splash something with acid, it will continue to cause a certain amount of damage afterwards until the target is destroyed or the effect wears off, whichever comes first.


    agree with @optimuspig, any of these 2 type of accesories, do a certain amount of damage-over-time.. it lasts for some seconds,but still . . .

    Francis Crawford

    Thanks, @Optimus_Pig and @sukerman13!

    So does the DoT seem like a significant damage increase?

    Francis Crawford

    Any hunches for how much the helmet — “continuous fire” — will add to Ultra Magnus’ damage in practice?


    @franciscrawford it doesn’t so much add damage but stops him over-heating and cutting out. Mine is only level 10 so this makes a difference. Not sure if he still cuts out when you get to level 15. It looks neat too.

    Francis Crawford

    @Cow23 — well, if you shoot more times you should do more total damage. :)


    @franciscrawford, i have equiped mine Ultra Magnus , he is at level 15 but never had him in any node.. if i do, i will notify you..
    Also, i do see a change in the damage made from any DoT weapons..or that is what i think i see…maybe it is psychological and i force my self to be sure that this accesory really does some extra damage and it is not just a nice-to-see-effect…..


    @franciscrawford, i just had Ultra Magnus !! i can tell you that HE NEVER STOPS FIRING !! big difference my friend..


    Yeah, I also got the helmet. I’ve never been particularly worried about getting killed while running U.M., but his weapon reload time has always been especially annoying to me.



    It’s impossible to say just how much of a difference DoT makes, but it’s probably better than nothing


    Maybe I’m expecting too much or judging too tough but the incendiary rounds don’t seem to really pack that much of a lasting affect. I actually see the fire seem to last longer when it’s not on anything that can burn like the ground and stuff. What I do like about it tho, is that (for the ones I’ve tried) it seems to turn weapons into like a Grimlock sort of blast. A stream type of effect. Which to me is also like using Galvatron and Shockwave as well… It is much easier to pick off missiles in the air and other flying items. With that said, any type of boost and I’m in! Especially explosive and cool downs… I guess I’m the odd one with this too, I also like having added defense, just in case I screwup or get distracted. I was hoping to get Dion but not looking to good now.

    Question: Why does Dion still only do 10% for UltraMagnus but the same accessory, same level & cost now does 20% for Optimus Prime?? I know this chances has just happened within the last month… Again my excel book was charting all accessories and cost, stars and location and everything… I just happened to add that sheet during the CNY event.



    “Question: Why does Dion still only do 10% for UltraMagnus but the same accessory, same level & cost now does 20% for Optimus Prime??”

    Interesting observation, I hadn’t noticed that.

    Just scanning through the store, it also seems that (basic) Optimus Prime has the widest selection of accessories on offer.

    Perhaps Rovio is trying to sweeten the incentive for us to spend gems to upgrade OP? Without accessories, he’s pretty much the weakest TF in the game, despite the fact that he’s the Autobird leader.

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