Windblade Accessories

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  • TriPolar

    I can’t say that I know a lot about Transformers… My experience with it really started with this game and then the live action movies. I knew enough to know OP was the leader but I couldn’t understand why he was so weak either…maybe he shouldn’t have been the 1st one released. So there could be something to build too.

    I noticed the same thing about the accessories as well. There a wikia (not Wikipedia, see link below) site that has a bunch of info on the game and everything Transformers… They pointed out that the rockets that OP has, which are the same as Magnus, are actually Magnus’s thing not OP. They have discriptions for almost everything and how it relates to the TF universe..

    Go about half way down that sectionthat is linked.


    @franciscrawford @sukerman13

    The most visible example of a damage-over-time (“DoT”) effect is when you hit a gold cube with an incendiary or acid round and don’t completely destroy it (this can happen for example if your TF’s weapon isn’t powerful enough to destroy it with a single hit, or if the gold cube was hit with “splash” damage rather than a direct hit).

    You notice that even if you’ve moved on to shooting other targets, a steady stream of coins will keep flowing up to the coin counter on the top right of the screen. This is the acid or incendiary continuing to cause damage.


    I recorded two videos with a level 9 Windblade. Both have Metroplex. The first video is sans Swords and the second is with Swords. At about the 35 second mark of the Swords video, you can see the effect on a gold cube when hit but not initially destroyed.

    Sans Swords:

    With Swords:

    Francis Crawford

    Thanks @Optimus_Pig & @MillForce2K re the incendiary rounds!!

    Next question — does anybody have picture of the helmet? I think Ultra Magnus looks pretty good without it. And when I take him on a run, I’m not seeing many cases where the lack of continuous fire seems to make much difference …


    So it looks like I’ll have enough for the swords, the helmet, and reflector for accessories. My question is what does “+20% clip size” really mean for the reflector? My Bludgeon is at lvl 15 and seems like he can shoot forever so I’m not really sure what a bigger clip size would do. Still sounds like a better accessory for 750 tokens than the trident to me though. Any insight?


    @optimuspig, i realised the same thing, with the coins, at jenga mode !! i was firing the last couple of barrels and suddently, many many coins were added to my counter !! then, a lightbulb showed up over my head….

    ,every bod that spend bullets, needs a reload time….usualy,it reloads fast enough but there are ALWAYS sometimes,that these 2-3 second needed to reload,are the same 2-3 seconds of the node THAT YOU REALY WOULD LIKE TO HAVE a load bot,because that time some towers show up, or some gold cubes, or a stash of wood-ice-stone… i am a player that wants to clear the whole run, i do not want to leave a single ice or pig and that is why i wanted the helmet for Ultra Magnus . . .

    , i got that accesory for Bludgeon 1. just for fun ( he looks much better with that photograph in his chest together with his glasses and cap i have taken for him ), 2. and also because i did not have any other accesory left to unlock…


    For the life of me, I still can’t figure out what the effect is of Reflector’s +20% Clip Size.

    However since I’m not really playing the Competition today, I had the opportunity to waste a few runs today and be experimental. And now I’m sure that it does increase Bludgeon’s firepower in some way, as I had an easier time killing the Boss Pig when equipped with Reflector than when not.


    Well i managed to get the swords for wind blade and reflector for bludgeon. Don’t understand what the swords do however can someone explain what incendiary rounds are?



    Incendiary Rounds set things on fire and continue to do damage over time. See my videos several post up showing Windblade with and without Swords.


    @optimuspig,still have not encoutered Bludgeon,so probably will test him afterwards..

    , incendiary rounds means that when you fire a bullet,this bullet will burn for some seconds the target that you have chosen to fire…


    I presume clip size refers to a TF that shoots – say, five bullets in a single shot – and increasing the clip size by 20% would mean firing six bullets in that single shot.


    I thought that as well, but visually speaking Bludgeon’s shots appear to be the same with or without Reflector.

    Francis Crawford

    I wonder whether the incendiary and acid DoT have fixed damage amounts, or whether they scale with the TF’s level. If it’s the former, then they’re more important before the TF is fully leveled up.


    @weenaoise and @optimuspig, i think that now Bludgeon shoots faster and do a little more damage… visualy, that is what i see… in jenga mode where i use all the time Bludgeon, in some specific runs, now i can do more damage more quickly !! check it out when you have him again !!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Windblade Accessories

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