You've Got the Touch Challenge

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  • PBJ

    I’ve found the same. E Grimlock is working very well on all the runs. I’m still experimenting with the energonicons. So far Shieldor has been pretty effective, but I’ll have to try Photoblast and Glassor to see how they stack up.


    Aye, you have a good point – if the bonus is low, it’s better just to choose a highly effective energonicon rather than the bonus energonicon.


    Photoblast against flying pigs is a good choice. It tracks and destroys pigs, missiles and the odd structure.

    The Dark Knight

    i used up to now E. Grimlock with Shieldor all the times i encountered Unicorn i was able to reduce his health up 3/4 and the last quarter i couldn’t but i have up to that point a 1400-1600 points taken per battle i am around at 9800 points and 100 tokens i wonder if it would easy to catch the 24.000 points that is the end of the maximum points that you can gain the 550 tokens per day, i wonder if i could also keep be in the lead… the guy behind me is 5780 and i am 9845 with my refill to be 10 + 20 up to now…


    Levels 10 to 80:


    Based on that, Level 100 should come in at 22,100 unless there’s a slight bump at Level 100 which does happen on occasion.


    The 100 token limit is at 22750 points.

    you can achieve it faster if you can kill Unicron since he gives 1k pts.

    The Dark Knight

    @optimuspig & @mndc i thought the end was 24.000 because someone user here told that the 100 token limit is 24.000 so if it’s 22.750 it’s even better but how i should achieve that to have the 550 tokens award from achieving that level (let alone to keep my leadership)


    @elpapam if you want to achieve it, use Greyslam Grimlock and use Photoblast, it’s very effective.

    The Dark Knight

    @mndc Greyslam Grimlock i have him at level 14 ironically i wasn’t so much eager to updating him at level 15 like E.Grimlock and the other Variant Grimlock that i also leveld up himup to 15.


    Used E. Grimlock + Photoblast on my latest encounter with Unicron. It would’ve worked OK if it weren’t for all the falling monoliths (the run was in Cobalt Valley). I think I’ll try shieldor next time.

    22,750 for Level 100 sounds right – looking at the last couple of events (Seek and Destroy, Peace Through Tyranny) the increments hold steady from Level 30 through to Level 90 and then it increases for Level 100.

    Does anyone know the token cost for Prowl and Bluestreak? Assuming they’re 5,000 each then it’s mathematically impossible to buy all three TFs (not to mention their accessories) even if you max out all seven days of the event (7 x 1,550 = 10,850), unless you’re going to spend a bunch of gems in the token exchange on top of whatever gems you’ve already spent in maxing out the dailies.


    Tried @mndc’s startegy with Grey Slam Grimlock and Photoblast, Unicron retreated in the 1st attempt. So far it’s my favourite event, cause it is finally challenging (and by challenging I mean beatable, not like Boss Pig with Skywarp/Sunstorm).

    I think that the only thing which should players care about is Rodimus. Prowl and Bluestreak are probably still obtainable from portal missions, and they don’t have any good gear. The bad part of it is, that’s may be a bait for the new players/spenders who didn’t read the forum.

    Marty Schofield

    Defeated Unicron with Greyslam and E. Grimlocks, easier with Greyslam. Can’t tell if the shield falling is random, related to an Energonicon hitting him, or killing his launched pigs.

    Got him on my 1st run, and cleared the 10,20,30,40 token levels on the first run of the challenge.


    Definitely GSGrimlock. 3-0 against Unicron. I think the problem with EGrimlock is his weapon cooldown seems longer than usual, and longer than GSGrimlock’s.


    I can confirm that the 100 token mark is 22750, not the 24000 as mentioned in a previous post.

    Cynical Bird

    So if in a bad bonus group. What would is the recommendation to sub out? An autobird for Greyslam or which energonicon?



    Can’t tell if the shield falling is random, related to an Energonicon hitting him, or killing his launched pigs.

    I think the shield is regenerating occasionally and I think the more launched pigs you hit, he starts to catch on fire, smoke and the shield weakens.

    I agree E. Grimlock’s weapon cool down is longer than usual. Anyone with the cool down sword for him — is it working? I’m to cheap to spend the 900 gems. They really should put the accessories on sale during the competitions since people are already spending gems.


    Trifecta of Doom: missiles, monoliths, and mortars.

    Almost had Unicron with Goldbite GL, but I got hit with a washing machine missile just before taking him down and didn’t transform back until he was going off screen.

    I’ll give GSGL a try next.


    Now 5-0 using GSGrimlock. Going to use him and the current Energonicon from here on at the lower bonus levels.

    I may splurge and get Sword for EGrimlock to see how it does.


    +1,000 for Grey Slam GL. That guy is one tough SOB. I just let him get pounded by the boogers and focused on killing other stuff. Finished the run with two full hearts. And I didn’t even have the sword – cooldown was not an issue.

    Edit: photoblast really helped, too.


    I’m using the bonus squads and the Auto Birds aren’t letting me down. Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus did just fine using their rapid fire accessories. They didn’t kill but the critically wounded him, scoring 1,800+ & 1,700+ respectively. The Energonicons are helping. G Grimlock is up now with my old buddy goldbrick. This time I went with Photoblast and I beat him. GG had two hearts left, so he’s currently in intensive care.

    I’m going to surmise that Slingshot Woods is the easiest node to kill him, since that’s where I have the most time left after he dies.


    GSGL works well for me too with Photoblast. I think the other reason he works well besides the faster cool down/reload is that he moves slower than EGL (thus more time to shoot at Unicron), a point that @optimuspig pointed probably around the February challenges at about the time they nerves GBGL.

    Edit: nerfed, not nerves.


    EGrimlock with Sword did better, but not enough to destroy Unicron. Maybe with an offensive Energonicon.


    While I am glad I finally get a chance to unlock Rodiumus, I have had the other two forever now and they aren’t even my favorite characters. I am seriously losing faith with this game, cause it’s all about money. 5000 tokens? I have a full time job!

    Also what the heck is that Super Pig thing?? Are we suppose to try and destroy that?? And how?? No matter how long I shoot at it, it doesn’t seem to do anything!!


    @marty-schofield @pampeans I have encountered Unicron again 3 times in a row lately, I have discovered a few things about him :

    – The shield wears off every 5 pigs he launches, when it’s disabled, you have a certain amount of time to deal dmg to him, after enough dmg dealt (around 1/5 or 6 of his life) he re-enables his shield;

    – If you hit an EMP rocket (the blue/pink ones), he’s stunned and don’t move for a very short amount a time.

    Are you speaking about Unicron ?


    Thanks @mndc, I just beat him in the desert by focusing on just that. I trigger Photoblast just as the shield starts to weaken and I make sure to target everything else with Goldbite Grimlock, so Photoblast has nothing to shoot at but the Unicron.

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