How to Transfer Angry Birds Progress Between iOS Devices

Did you know that with a little legwork and a free application you can easily transfer your Angry Birds progress across an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or Mac? This is great if you happen to have more than one iOS device (i.e. an iPhone and an iPad) or recently upgraded. This is also a great way to backup your Angry Birds progress in the event something goes awry.

Update: We have created a more-comprehensive guide, including many more platforms and some specific file paths. The iOS directions circle back here, but if you are looking for a different device, check out our Ultimate Backup Tutorial for all Platforms.

Disclaimer: We are not responsible if something goes wrong while performing the steps below.

Step 1: Before We Begin Lets Take Some Precautions

  1. Be sure you have the same version of Angry Birds installed on both devices (exception, SD and HD versions of the same app are OK).
  2. Be sure you’re copying the files off your device and not removing them.
  3. Before you overwrite any .lua file on your device create a backup copy first.
  4. Sync ALL devices with iTunes first.  This way if something happens you can always restore.

Step 2: Install DiskAid

  • Direct Link Change! DiskAid has become a product called iMazing. Our personal preference is still for DiskAid in terms of user-interface and cost. The direct link in (1) below has been updated to reflect the change, which can be a little tough to find. Let us know if you have any questions.
  1. Install DiskAid, which is available for both PC & Mac. While a paid version is available and can do a whole lot of cool stuff, the free version will work perfectly fine for this guide.
  2. Configure DiskAid. In the Menu Bar, click DiskAid > Preferences > Storage. Enable all three options: “Show all Apps even if…”, “Show root path for Apps”, and “Show hidden files and folders”.

Step 3: Copying the Angry Birds .lua Files Off Your iOS Device

  1. Open DiskAid.
  2. Connect the device you want to transfer your progress FROM.  Once your device is connected, DiskAid should recognize it.
  3. Click “Apps”. Look through the app icons to find the application directory that you’re looking to transfer / backup.
  4. Click to open the desired app folder, then open the “Documents” folder.
  5. In the “Documents” folder you’ll see a few .lua files. You will want to copy over any of the following .lua files that you see:
    • highscores.lua
    • settings.lua
    • {purchases}.lua (if applicable, such as Space and Star Wars)
    • highscores_<hash>.lua and settings_<hash>.lua (if applicable via Rovio Accounts; learn more!)

    Select them all and drag them into a folder on your PC / Mac. Once all these .lua files are copied over you effectively have a backup copy.

Step 4: Copying the Saved .lua Files onto Another iOS Device

  1. Connect the iOS device you want to transfer your progress TO and sync it with iTunes (if you already did you can skip this step). This way if something goes wrong you can restore.
  2. After the sync with iTunes is complete disconnect the device, launch DiskAid, then reconnect the same device again.
  3. Now repeat steps 3 and 4 above in order to navigate to the version of Angry Birds you’re looking to copy your data too. Remember, if copying from an iPhone or iPod Touch to an iPad you can go from non-HD to HD versions (the directory on the iPad includes “HD” in the name).
  4. Once you have the “Documents” folder open in DiskAid copy or drag the respective .lua files you previously saved on your computer onto your device (in other words, drag them from you computer into DiskAid, which will in turn copy them to your device — overwriting what was previously there).
  5. Once this is done you’ve effectively transferred your progress from one device to another, but in order to see the progress on the new device you need to completely close and reopen Angry Birds.

Step 5: Completely Restarting Angry Birds

  1. If you’re running a next generation iOS device you don’t have to restart to completely close Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons, etc. Rather, double-tap the home key. That will open the multitasking menu. Swipe the windows upward to close the programs.
  2. For those running older devices, such an older iPod Touch, just old down the power key and restart your device.
  3. Finally, reopen Angry Birds and you should see your progress correlates with what was on your other device.
  4. Rejoice!
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Category: Guides

Comments (501)

By Andrés

Hay alguna forma de realizar esto mismo en dispositivos con Symbian?
Es decir, pasar por ejemplo mis avances desde mi nokia N8 a un nuevo nokia E7?

Sorry for wrote that in spanish, i don’t know how to explain it well in English.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

No es que yo sepa, lo siento.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7670 points
By MarkyMark73 (@markymark73)

Since last update 1.6.1 my Angry Birds won’t open on my I-Pod Touch. My question is will the following work – I could back up the .lua files using the method above – then erase the angry birds app – reinstall it on the same device and copy my old .lua files into the new app???

Should I sync my I-Pod first or should I copy the files, erase the app, and then sync, reinstall the app, add the old .lua files and then sync again???

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I would try the following order (but it is not guaranteed to work; a bug fix is being worked on by Rovio):

Back up / Sync to iTunes
Use iPhone Explorer to back up your highscores and settings .lua files
Delete AB
Reinstall AB
Open the app (hopefully it will properly load, but it’s not a guarantee
Regardless, copy your .lua files back. Then you can either play (successful) or your back where you started (unsuccessful)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7670 points
By MarkyMark73 (@markymark73)

Thanks, will try later today when I get home – figure I have nothing to lose. Will let you know if it works.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7670 points
By MarkyMark73 (@markymark73)

I decided to wait for the bug fix and I’m glad I did. Version 1.6.2 fixed it!!!!!

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)


By Nathan Archer

I am trying to use the method above to transfer my progress of Angry Birds from my old 2nd generation ipod Touch to a 4th generation. However, whenever I move the highscores.lua and setting lua. files to the PC, they are copied across as “listOfFilesToCopy2.ipe_tempfile”.

Does anyone have any idea what this means or how to correct it?


Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I have not seen that before. It sounds like it’s preparing to copy but failing. Have you tried closing and reopening iPhoneExplorer and trying again (try it with both iTunes open and closed)?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

I’ve seen some apps to do this on Android. Don’t know how well they work but if you have to beat the levels again expect your scores to be lower since some of the updates make certain levels harder.

The last time I played the Chrome one, I noticed one of my stars was missing and it was incredibly difficult to 3 star or even beat for that matter. I don’t know If that was from an update or I just missed it.

I assume there should be a backup app BUT the dang OS’s should be capable of doing this.

By CalmBird

It means Windows has a lock on files on the iDevice. You can delete the tempfile from your PC. Make sure iTunes is closed or the device is ejected (but still tethered), close iPhone Explorer, reopen and very quickly go to the folder and drag/drop the .lua files to your PC.
If it fails at first you may have luck trying a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time, but if too much time has passed you probably have to close/reopen iPhone Explorer.

By Nathan Archer

I have, but no result, unfortunately. I’m at a bit of loss as to what to do next!

By Joe

Heads up, y’all, this won’t transfer every achievement that you received.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)

Over the last several weeks, I’ve seen this topic and want to kick myself. When I replaced my iPad1 for my shiny new iPad2, and my partner was anxiously waiting for the hand-me-down, I lost all my progress on AB, AB Seasons, and Rio. I had no idea that it wasn’t necessary to start all over, but I did anyway. I raced through every level of every game–enough to get three stars on everything, but far from stellar scores.

So, my project now is to go back and start imrpoving . . . again.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By SlothLoveChunk (@slothlovechunk)

How is that iPAD2? Seen them in the stores and haven’t really seen a cooler tablet period. A little on the expensive side just to add memory. That’s what I don’t like about Apple. Lack of an SD card is more of a bummer than lack of a replaceable battery.

I know I’m getting way off topic but some of those netbooks are really a better deal IMO.

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I love my iPad 2, but I honestly don’t use it much for anything other than games (which is kind of important given what I do). My kids also love it and beyond Angry Birds there are some great apps for kids. All that said, it is an expensive toy, but then again I like to have a device that’s a no-brainer (i.e. I don’t usually have to worry about it crashing or other similar issues).

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By uglygirl (@uglygirl)

I tried to mess with that iPhone explorer and I could not get it too work for me.
Was anyone else having issues with it? I did not lose any data but it was not showing me the documents folder and it gave me an error message. Should I try reloading it?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Yes that happens occasionally (or frequently sometimes). Close iPhone Explorer and reopen to make that “error” go away, albeit temporarily.

By Tonya

Is there a FULL version of Angry Birds I can purchase on itunes for my PC??????

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Not on iTunes, but you can purchase the full PC version from

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By millwork400 (@millwork400)

When I try to drag and drop the .lua files to my PC I get the following error message. Cannot copy file: Cannot read from the source file or disk. Any suggestions or am I just not doing something right?

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Try closing iTunes if it’s open. Also, sometimes you have to close and reopen iPhoneExplorer a few times.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By millwork400 (@millwork400)

I don’t have iTunes open. I have restarted iPhoneExplorer several times and I get the same error. Any other tips?

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Have you tried disconnecting and reconnecting your phone a few times? iPhoneExplorer is finicky, so you have to be quick and it may take several attempts. I know it’s worked for me many times, but I know that’s of little value.

By CalmBird

If your PC is trying to open the iDevice as a camera or disk, Windows can have a “lock” on the folders/files in the device. You may have to disconnect/eject from/close iTunes AND do the copy process quickly after starting iPhone Explorer (like within a few seconds).
I had to do each folder separately this way because by the time I moved to the 2nd folder I would get the error, but eventually (patience/persistence) I got it to work.

By Sean

I’m trying to update my highscores for Angry Birds Original on my iPhone with the scores that I achieved on my MacBook. I read someone mentioning earlier that they can’t locate the ‘Rovio’ folder within youruserfolder/Library/Application Support/…

I’m having a similar problem myself, and there wasn’t a solution offered. I can’t find this folder anywhere, meaning I can’t locate any highscores.lua or setting.lua file on my Mac. Has there been any progress in working out how to overcome this problem or an explanation as to how it occurs?

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

This is the first I’ve heard of this problem. Have you tried searching the entire hard drive for “highscores.lua” or “*.lua”?

By Sean

I’ve worked out the problem. The video is quite confusing in that the demonstrator clicks on the ‘Mac’ or, on my MacBook, the ‘Macintosh HD’ folder. I don’t know whether this is universal for everyone, but my Angry Birds was not located there, but in the Library/Application Support… folder located within my personal folder in the ‘Places’ section.

By wakey77

When trying to copy the lua files using iphone explorer, it crashes/ shuts down each time. I can view the files fine, the same happens when I tried to back up my .lua files to the desktop.

Anyone else had this issue and did you get it to work for you?

By wakey77

Actually got it now, appears iphone explorer is a bit fussy and unstable. Just kept trying and added the correct AB as a favorite and eventually it let me overwrite the existing .lua files.

Thanks to all those involved, saves me having to play through the previous 5 worlds/ updates again to get to play mine and dine+ future updates!

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yeah, it’s not perfect, but the price is right and it works…eventually.

By CalmBird

I think the reason iPhone Explorer fails or gives that “temp” file sometimes is because windows is trying to open the iDevice as a camera. So even if you have iTunes “release” the device, Windows is still trying. If you close, and reopen iPhone Explorer and very quickly navigate to the folder and copy your file, it will work, if you catch it before Windows does. I have not tried removing my Camera Roll photos from the device to see if that makes a difference though, as I’m worried I wouldn’t be able to load them back.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By brflor12 (@brflor12)

I tried doing it but I don’t know where I’m supposed to drag the files to On the video it says to ab original but I don’t know how he got that Also I’m trying to do it between iPods on a PC

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Create a new folder on your desktop and call it whatever you want (for example, ABData). Connect iPod1, close out iTunes’ auto-open, and open iPhone Explorer. Navigate to Apps, then the Angry Birds app (says something like clickgamer.angrybirds). Click the + in the explorer to expand, and click on Documents. Highlight highscores.lua and settings.lua and drag them into ABData. (If at any point iPhone Explorer says Directory Not Available, close Explorer and reopen.)

Connect iPod2, close iTunes, open Explorer, navigate, …. Click on Documents and drag your two .lua files from ABData into the Documents folder. It should overwrite the existing files.

By byrne belden

when i try to drag over my .lua files from my mac to my iphone nothing happens it looks like it just didnt work. Ive tried closing iphone explorer and reopening it may times as well as disconnecting my iphone but i can never get the “do you wish to replace the existing files” window to pop up. please help

Rank: DaBomb with 465 points
By septian (@septian)

thanks for the tips, really appreciated it!

By nehope

Hey, I got iPhone Explorer transfer everything from AB seasons RIO but it doesn’t seem to work for the original AB. Files copy over fine but the nothing shows up when you launch AB. Copying from original iPad to iPad 2.

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Hrm, I had no issues with the original AB. I would try again and also be sure to close AB if it is running in the background (i.e. double tap the home button, hold down, then exit out completely).

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Try restarting your device and giving it another go. Also, play at least one level on the new device so that you have the files to overwrote.

By nehope

Okay, finally got almost everything by restarting a few times. The golden eggs are all there, my scores are there but they are not numbered. Missing some of the Facebook levels on Seasons. I can deal with this!

By Lili

Did I just get lucky? I thought I would have to use IphoneExplorer but before I downloaded it I backed up my Ipod Touch (1st gen) and transferred purchases. Then I plugged in my new Ipod Touch (4th gen) restored from back up and also synced the apps. It transferred all my angry birds (original, rio, seasons) scores and all my eggs-no problem. I never did have to download IphoneExplorer.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Yes, that’s ideally how it works, but it also requires you to load a new iOS device from an existing sync, which is not always a possibility.

The iPhone Explorer method can still be used in the future. For example, since I play on both iPhone and iPad, all of my scores are made on iPad (bigger screen, HD, etc.). So about once a month, I back up all my iPad files manually and load them onto iPhone to keep up with GameCenter SD.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By wutter (@wutter)

iPhone explorer doesn’t work with iOS 5 beta X (all versions of beta), but i know solution, when will be relesed iOS 5 officialy, you’ll must have iOS 4.X.X (where iPhone Explorer working) and “rollback” your angry birds, and after that normal update. (And you will have score in your iCloud if you’ll use it.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

I’m kinda excepting (or maybe just hoping) that iPhone Explorer gets an update when iOS5 goes official.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

As of iOS 4.3.5, iPhone Explorer (v2.1.2.3) no longer works on my computer. I get the following message.

The CoreFoundation.dll on your computer is sucky
iPhone Explorer is unable to load the app directories because the version of CoreFoundation.dll installed on your system doesn’t work properly. This sucky DLL likely got on to your computer because of a recent update in the Safari web browser.

We recommend waiting a couple months for the next Safari update and hopefully Apple will have this stuff fixed then.

Rank: Hardened with 720 points
By CaptMorgan (@captmorgan)

That’s just lovely… I came across the same problem when I just put Rio on my new iPad 2 and wanted to transfer my data from iPod. I have v2.1.2.2 also but it bombs at startup. Disappointed to say the least.

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

I wonder if uninstalling the latest version of Safari would fix this problem?

Rank: Hardened with 720 points
By CaptMorgan (@captmorgan)

After I read the message I was saying to myself, “What? Safari?” I checked the Add/Remove Programs and I don’t see Safari which I knowingly didn’t install but checked in case Apple Update “slipped” it on my laptop.

I have Firefox, Chrome, and of course IE on my Windows system. I was kind of leery when I saw the word sucky described which prompted me to search for the file and do a virus scan. I found the dll in \Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support
so I was a bit relieved and more so after no viruses were found.

I’m not sure what else I can do other than wait.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I believe it’s Safari on the iDevice, not on your computer.

Rank: Hardened with 720 points
By CaptMorgan (@captmorgan)

Oh, ok. That makes sense now. Not knowing anything about Apple OSes, I’m guessing that it’s not possible to remove Safari from my devices?

Rank: Deputized with 220 points
By Temba-dog (@temba-dog)

Hi “Slim” – Were you ever able to get iexplorer to work after receiving this message?

I’m in a pretty big Jam! I left my Ipad on back of my car and drove off! Ipad was recovered, but … severly damaged … screen is cracked and now completely unusable. It still connects to my PC (and itunes) though! Unfortunately, my back-ups attempts fail. Actually, I was having prblems with back up before the screen damage.

I followed instructions to download iphone explorer, but receive the message you posted. Program still loads and allows me to see device … just not the Apps … which is what I need to save scores. I have spent all night trying to figure out how to get necessary files to no avail. Would love to hear your thoughts as well as any other forum folks.

BTW, This is the BEST site for all Angry Birds insights. Although this is my first post, I visit it all the time … mostly just to read commens and user insights. Thank You Birdleader! … and thank you “slim”, fuji, and all the other forum contributors.

I have been satisfying my AB addiction for past year with AB, AB Seasons, and AB RIO. Have almost all accomplishments, 3 stars all … (almost all. I have had to go back to several AB chapters as I originally completed on Droid).

Thanx in advance for any suggestions.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Unfortunately, no, I have not be able to get iPhone Explorer to work on iOS 4.3.5. And I’m not sure if Apple is planning on another software update before the rollout of iOS5. If someone knows of another program (similar to iPhone Explorer) that runs on PC, I would be very interested.

Rank: Deputized with 220 points
By Temba-dog (@temba-dog)

Stay tuned … I think I might have found another program, Disk Aid.Everything looks very promising.

Rank: Deputized with 220 points
By Temba-dog (@temba-dog)

Success!! Download DiskAid from
It’s free trial for 14 days. Interface is similar to IPhone Explorer. Before using DiskAid, you will need to adjust a couple of setting. From menu bar go to “DiskAid” –> “Preferences” –> “Advanced”(tab).
Check boxes for
1) “Display all Apps even if …”
2) “Show root path for Apps”
3) “Show hidden files and folders”

Then just follow the copy/paste instructions for files as described in the iphone explorer instructions. Works like a charm!

Hope this makes sense. I’m happy to answer any questions or provide additional info.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I can confirm. Just transferred my data from iPad 2 to iPhone 3Gs. Great find!! (I revoke and trashed my previous statement; sorry for having doubted you.)

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Temba-dog, thank you for tracking this down and providing the info on how to get started. I have updated the post above to include this information so that it’s a little easier for users to find. Again, thanks!

By Melissa

Hi, I successfully managed to back up my files for AB Original and Rio thanks to this guide, but I had a questions involving AB Seasons. Under the iPhone Explorer Rio’s folder comes up as com.rovio.angrybirdsrio and the original comes up as com.clickgamer.AngryBirds, but I don’t see anything that says AB Seasons other than com.rovio.AngryBirdsHalloween. I copied over all the .lua files from the documents folder, but my question is whether or not that was all of AB seasons save files or just Halloween? I don’t want to lose any of my stars and golden eggs on the other levels in case it’s just the Halloween files that are saved.

Thank you!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

You’re all set. The app was initially called AB:Halloween, and thus it’s call in Explorer. Those files control all of Seasons.

By Melissa

Alright, thank you for clarifying that.

By Skip21

I’m planning on switching from a droid to an iPhone. Is there any way I can transfer the angry birds data even if my droid is not an iOS device?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Not that I’m aware of… At least not yet. Once the Angry Birds Sync System is operational, you could, but we have no ETA for that system.

By skip21

When do you think they will come out with the angry birds sync system? When iOS 5 comes out?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I don’t think it Rovio is waiting on iOS 5 per say, since it will work between so many different OS’s (iOS, Android, Mac, PC, Symbian, …). I think it will come out whenever it is ready. I think the Cloud system is probably all set at this point, but the actually syncing process is more complicated than it lets on.

By Skip21

Ok. Thanks!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Notice to all PC users with iOS 4.3.5

As of iOS 4.3.5, iPhone Explorer will no longer allow you to access application data, citing a DLL issue within Safari. The only solution to this will be to wait for the next iOS update and hope that the DLL is repaired.

However, there is a temporary workaround for this issue. There is a program for PC called DiskAid — which offers a free trial for its services. To read details and information about this, check out the post by Temba-dog, to whom we owe a great thanks.

Be aware, the trial is free for 14 days, so be sure you are ready to proceed quickly. I can personally confirm that the process works, having transferred data from my iPad 2 to iPhone 3Gs.

Rank: Deputized with 220 points
By Temba-dog (@temba-dog)

Quick update: I checked out the Disk Aid site again and found that software is FREE for “students”. See quote from website:

“All students, teachers and personnel attending any accredited post-secondary educational institution is eligible for a Free DiskAid License (including 2 years of free updates) provided that they hold an email address ending with the domain name “.edu”, “”, “”, etc… or their institution has been previously registered in our database.”

More info here:

I have an email address that ends in .edu and can confirm that I was able to receive and register the 2 year software license for FREE.

Good Luck with your bird shots. Angybirdsnest rocks!


Can anyone do a video for diskaid. I may have to try it

Rank: Deputized with 145 points
By Dave (@daveprince13)

I’ve done this using PhoneView since I upgraded to the HD versions on my iPad and was ranked 183rd as of this morning for the Mooncake Festival (YAY!!!!) The scored transferred over just fine, but the golden eggs (3 star mooncake & the pieces of mooncake plus all the other eggs) were still locked. Even though I have 3 stars in every level… it’s telling me I need to get 3 stars in every level. Totally weird. Has this happened to anyone else?

Also some achievies didn’t go through but I don’t really care (like I’m not going to smash another billion cement pieces)

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Are you sure you copied over your settings.lua file too? That file contains all the info you’re missing.

Rank: Deputized with 145 points
By Dave (@daveprince13)

I actually only copied the highscores.lua file over last night, then started it up and was excited to see it worked, played a few levels and increased my scores, then I saw the problem and came back to the computer to find out what the problem was. I saw that you needed both files and I just barely copied over the Settings.lua from the previous version as well but it didn’t resolve the issue. Do I have to copy them over together or can I do it one at a time like I did?

Also when I start up Angry Birds: HD, it shows a Chillingo logo, then pops over to the Rovio one. Is this normal?

Rank: Deputized with 145 points
By Dave (@daveprince13)

There’s also a bunch of dated .lua files. like 2001-7-19.lua Should I copy those over?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

In one go, copy over highscores, settings, and the date-looking files (2010-12-xx and 2011-06/7-xx).

Chillingo is still the ordinal publisher of ABo, so yes that’s normal.

Rank: Sling God with 37765 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Yes, for seasons you want the dated files as well. Remember, just exiting and reopening Angry Birds won’t trigger the update. You need to completely close it. Simply exit ABS then double-tap then quickly double tap the home key to bring up the quick launch menu. Now tap and hold any icon until the close button appears. When it does close ABS then restart it.

By birdygirl

I actually have the same problem but with the 3 star pot of gold and easter egg. all my other ones work except for these. all my scores/3 stars/feathers transferred, but my achievements in game center refuse to update.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Did you transfer both the settings and highscores files? Also, have you tried restarting your device?

By birdygirl

Yeah I transfered the settings, high scores and date .lua files, I have restarted my phone, deleting the programs and reinstalling and nothing. The pot of gold and easter egg refuses to be selected.

in regards to game center, i even tried playing the free versions from the begging to get 3 stars (and getting all of them), but game center does not want to acknowledge any of my achievements.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Re: GameCenter. You may want to try signing out of GameCenter manually, restarting your device, and signing in again. It forces a complete reset of that system.

Re: Pot o’ Gold and Big Egg, I’ll contact you via email for a few more details.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6910 points
By spurs01 (@spurs01)

Wow! I just got an iPad and viewed the video. Since I’m a very “visual” person, watching the video was a HUGE help. So far I’ve only done Rio, but I sure appreciate the effort put into fuji’s video. Many thanks!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6910 points
By spurs01 (@spurs01)

All versions worked, thanks to the video and the comments here, particularly with regard to Seasons. THANKS.

Now…off to play with the iPad. (1st gen, but I am NOT complaining)!!!

By Nico

I play Angry Birds on PC (Windows Vista) and Im probably buying an Iphone soon, there is a way to transfer my savefile from the PC version to an iPhone and play with that save?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Not that I’m aware of — at least until the Sync System goes through.

Rank: DaBomb with 275 points
By Kidguy (@kidguy)

My friend plays Angry Birds a lot on his jailbroken Ipod. Does this method also work for jailbroken Ipods?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I believe so. FujiToast is jailbroken and made the video, so I assume it works.

By Michael

when i go to the application support folder “rovio” isn’t there?? i bought this app of the mac store.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Have you opened the app? Even try playing one level so the files are created.

By Matt

Hi! So I’ll be upgrading to a 4S this Friday and this information will be absolutely invaluable (because I’m more likely to punch a baby than to accept the loss of all my angry birds data – OK not really… maybe. I’m not sure, let’s just don’t go down that dark road).

Now if someone can take this data and figure out how many blocks the original Angry Birds thinks I’ve busted, you’d be nominated for a Noble Peace Prize.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Data files are encrypted so you can’t check how many blocks are broken. But this information should transfer so long as you move your settings file as well.

By Matt

Big time thanks for this. Data transferred flawlessly from my 3GS to my 4S. Also the iExplorer worked fabulously though it was incredibly picky about needing to be plugged and replugged into the iPhones during the transfer.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Yeah, it’s a bit of a pain in that respect. For future reference, you don’t need to unplug/replug. You can X/reenter iExplorer instead. (Little faster)

By birdygirl

Ok, so I just got the new 4S and love it!! This has been invaluable to be me since I have 3 stars on everything and less than 50 feathers left across all 3 games. My only concern is how do you transfer achievements over?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Achievements are logged to your GameCenter account.

By birdygirl

i understand that. however, i was one of those super uncool people who decided to pass up the 3GS and 4… so no Game Center for this kid. I know Crystal use to keep track of my achievements but that is all.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Should work the same way. Else they will re-check all achievement criterion and it should be ok. I’m not as familiar with Crystal.

Rank: Hardened with 510 points
By rambeaux (@rambeaux)

All of these instructions are for iOS 4, with some warnings about bum dll’s, etc. Is all well with the latest versions of everything? Has anyone successfully transferred progress to the 4S? Does iPhone Explorer work native with Win7, 3GS, and 4S?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

A new version of iPhone Explorer (now called iExplorer) even works with iOS 4.3.5 (and iOS 5). Haven’t done it on a 4S but nothing should be different. The system requirements for iExplorer can be found on their page.

Rank: Hardened with 510 points
By rambeaux (@rambeaux)

Thanks. Will give it a shot.

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