Alandrixx Not recently active

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  • Alandrixx

    There is no need for more medals on wheel in PvP. If you got nice team of birds you can easily farm 3-4k medals per day. ( not counting daily’s ). On the other hand mastery would be nice bonus in PvP battles and on wheel to.


    I got the same problem here. Haven’t lost at all in 20-30 matches but I had to forfeit 3 of them and lose the right to play any more just because I was not able to attack with my birds.

    BTW I play on IOS


    I’m not talking about regular world/caves battles. I’m talking about Arena battles and those battles have no auto play option. In those battles if it is my turn to attack and I can’t control the birds I have no other option then to leave the mach.


    I don’t thing they are linked together in those 15 min of “happy hour” but I think they should be. Because there is no other way to get Arena Golden Pig to give higher chance for epic items drops ( as far as I know ).


    I’m playing on IOS, and game does not crash like what is the case with you guys,but for some weird reason I can’t control any of my birds anymore and I’m forced to leave the match. After that it counts as loss match and I lose one flag…

    PS. Sometimes I can’t start the new match also, I’m clicking on the the flag to start new match but nothing happens, but after a while of I can do it again normally.


    I got my lucky coins with bluestacks also :D


    No more caves please…. Give us extended world map instead.


    I didn’t get new event yet :(


    I got black screen right before the battle starts and it lasts till I restart the game. It looks like game stops loading next screen and stops in-between the screens. The game still plays in the background and I can finish the fight on auto-play ( just press on auto-play in the corner blindly ). I’m just wondering am I only one who got this problem?

    PS. I play on IOS and it all started since last update

    Here is SS of the black screen

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