• AngerManagement posted an update in the group Badges & Ranking – Nominate & Congratulate 11 years, 6 months ago

    Well done and my sincere congratulations for @leggy, @werewolf69, @yuriyigolkin, @rat9, @ohforfive and @xebic88;)

    • Congrats to all! @leggy, @werewolf69, @yuriyigolkin, @rat9, @ohforfive and @xebic88

    • cheers :) right back at u all ,well done and congrats , i am saying ALL as well mas naming @leggy @werewolf @yuriyigolkin @rat9 @ohforfive @angermanagement @mumsie and all and sundrie ,ones down the page and those on Monday ,its hard to keep up with the brain spread so thin ..and to think a few years ago we boarded on sane ,imay of cooked our own meals ,and unwatched around flames !!!Now we just sit and rock while playing our games ..by the way whats for dinner ,lol.i better amscray ,i forgot what the subject was :))Later