• AngerManagement posted an update in the group Other Mobile Games You Love 11 years, 5 months ago

    @cosmo2503 & @sebstriker. I have already beaten CtR: TT with 3 stars and all 26 achievements, and I have kept up with the updates of CtR & CtR: Ex, and have beaten all 615 leves across the three games with 3 stars, and all achievements unlocked aswell. Gah, I love that game just as much as AB:D

    • Congratulations @angermanagement. What do you expect to be in upcoming updates?
      I didn’t finish couple levels in CTR Cosmic Box and didn’t get three stars on several levels through various boxes. I didn’t play the newest episode in Experiments at all. I finished and Middle Age and Renaissance with 3 stars on all levels, started to play Pirate ship. game is really as cool as original. I just love it because it is brain teasing game, puzzles are great and graphics is gergeous, om Nom is such loveble character. I love it almost as much as AB with big difference that I could play same levels in AB 100s times in order to improve score but when I got 3 stars in cTR I never try it again in order to improve to perfect 6000.

    • Just to say Stone Age cartoon is awesome in my opinion. It’s better than amy other in their cartoon series.

    • @angermanagement have you tried Candy flick? It isn’t puzzle solving game but it is cool time killing activity game and it’s pretty cool.

      • @cosmo2503, you should finish those levels, it looks really good when you have those little 3 stars next to every box:) It feels even better when you know you have done all of them by your own merit too:D I really like Cut the Rope because it is very simple, get the candy into Om Nom’s mouth as fast as possible, by cutting ropes. Yet it introduces so many different types of physics, that are all original ideas, and are all great ideas. My favourite so far is the “stop time” gameplay that is introduced in The Renaissance:) I haven’t tried Candy Flick or Where’s my Water (is the latter a Disney game, if so I refuse to play it:P), but I may try them in the future:] What do you mean by the Stone Age cartoon???