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    I got reinstated. Did not get any emails from them.  Past few days, I actually gave up trying to check if I am reinstated or not.

    Today, thought, will try one last time and if it still shows banned, was planning to delete the app and move on.

    Surprised to see I was reinstated. My FP, Gems, Apples etc are intact.  Only thing is hatchling flew away.  Small price to pay I guess.

    Thanks for letting me vent here and also glad to see this was not something I did, but more of a system issue within Rovio.

    Wishing others same luck in getting resotred.


    I have raised ticket, I sent emails, and I was as polite as I could be but did mention how disappointing and frustrating it has been.  But I did not get any response so far and it has been more than 3 days and reminders sent the last 2 days.

    Quick question – even if they reinstate your player ID, would you get your gems and apples, FP intact or you lose everything and you start from scratch as if you are a new player.

    If it is like a brand new account, then I wouldn’t bother at all and wash off my hands and go find another game to play as I have no intention of starting from scratch again. It took me more than 2 years to get to FP 670. Some cheater I am.  :-)


    @joe-cool.  Glad that you and @crashfierce are able to play again. I am still banned.  I even updated the app.  I sent email to supoprt@rovio but no word from them.

    Did you also reach out to support?  Is that how your account was activated again? If so what information did you submit (username, playerid etc)?



    @crashfierce Can you please update, if  you sent any email to Rovio or any other way you communicated with them?

    If so what information do we need to provide.

    I do not have any username as I never ever had Facebook either.


    I used to be semi-active in this thread a year ago. Am a casual player. Wondering if any of the regular posters here have been banned recently.  Looks like several people got banned on early July 3rd or 4th me being one of them. Appanrently I cheated. That is why even after 3 years of casual play I am only at 690 FP and never achieved Diamond League in Arena or never got more than 15-20 points in MEBC. Well done Rovio.


    I never spend any money either.

    Over the weekend came to know my 12 year old nephew also got banned.  He is asking “what do they mean I cheated?”.

    This seems to be widespread and Rovio as usual is being silent.  I read in facebook that someone reached support and were informed, ” if you are banned, then you are banned – nothing we can do”.  No explanation given as to why the account was banned.


    I got banned today as well.  I have never ever cheated on anything.  Even after playing for 3 years, my FP is only 690. I never get more than 15-20 points in MBC.  I only came first (netting me 1000 gems) a total of 4 times.  I never even reached the diamond league.  I am a player, who only plays for few minutes a day to relax and never had any plans to beat everything around.

    The only reason I can think why I am banned is that I never spend more than 60 gems on any given day, on anything, and I never pruchased anything.

    The reason I am given is I was caught cheating. This is so incredibly fristrating and getting me evern more angry to see others are also facing the ban.


    Ok – Yeah – Done.  Another 4-5-6. Impossible to win as it was a Gem sucker for me.  But I thought, ok, let me see if I spend Gems what type of luck I will have. I spent 240 gems to complete DC.

    The KP landed between the flower on the left and the middle rock.  Needed 6 birds to help push it to the flower and also get rid of the structure on the top right. First time for 60 gems I got Red, Blues and Chuck and for 180 gems got blues, Terrence and Silver.

    And then when I went to KPP, it was even more difficult, micro birds hiding in places I cannot reach bit worst is no more video birds in KPP.  This is the second time I am noticing.  If I use Gems in DC, video birds disppear from KPP.

    And to add insult to injury when I tried Arena today, and I truly wish I took screen shot, I was ahead by 13 million points (I was 31 million and opponet was 18 million) and I had two birds and opponent had 2 birds.  Mine Stella plus Terrence and opponent Pig Inflater plus Matilda.  Next bird we both used opponent jumped to 41 million where as I only got to 35 million.  FP of both of us was exact same – (635 with extra bird).  Looks like Rovio thought, since I already spent Gems, I will spend more Gems as this would have been my last win to complete the streak.  I am beyond furious, because now I know for a fact, Rovio not only make it difficult but actually cheats you of wins deliberately so you will spend Gems.

    I thikn I am done.  Good luck to the rest of you.

    Some screen shots below







    Yet another 4-5-6. Room 6 and KP in DC screen shot below.  All though I was able to get to KP room, I could barely manage a dent on KP. I got there with 2 birds and recieved an additional bird by filling the destruction meter and a video bird and yet the KP was stuck between the blue and orange portal and in sheer frustration forgot to take screenshot.

    Anyways tried two more time and both time could hardly manage to get to 5th room.  So giving up.

    If tomorrow is the same I probably will quit the game and delete it coz playing a game for handful apples a day is not why I liked this game to begin with.

    Good luck to the rest of you. Hopefully you will have better success today than I did.



    Yes @aggieguy. This is no longer fun. Like you said 4-5-6 again today and I am frankly sick of this combination for DC. I could barely get to room 4 of KP, with video bird.

    Not sure what room combination @doulgas had, but reading above comment makes me think, even if today’s DC is 2-3-4 it would have been useless.

    I guess congrats @douglas for being able to see the KP room of DC (sarcasm ofcourse) :-)

    My frustration is almost at its peak.

    4-5-6 DC wth asinine structures and unkillable pigs

    Play KPP or Stars for the last Daily Quest – always (to get 20 gems)

    Arena – Opponents with no spells always win even after I use 2-3 spells and have more FP

    Rare chests most of the time (90%) resulting in 20 BP or 100-200 feathers.

    TOF – Pig at second floor everyday

    Zero enjoyments and zero rewards (or maybe I should be generous and say I get to collect 45 gems and 5 apples every day).

    Basically, lately that is what it looks like. I am playing this stupid game to get 45-65 gems and 5-7 apples a day.

    Rovio – I concur.  You Win.


    Yep as @aggieguy said, yet another 4-5-6 and I am unable to even complete 4th room of KP level of DC.

    It is one thing to give some people 2-3-4 and some 4-5-6 but it is absolutely asinine to make the 4-5-6 that much harder by needing 2-3 birds to clear each room.

    It is getting ridiculous. Either reduce the number of rooms if each room is going to have multiple structure, micropigs, magician pigs, flying pigs and what not and need multiple birds to clear or make it so rooms can be cleared with max 1-2 birds each.

    Most games I have played have a level/same playing field for all players. Only Rovio seems hell bent on favoring and frustrating players based on some stupid criteria.

    And for daily quest for the last 8 days – for the last quest worth 20 gems – I got KPP 4 times, collect 25 satrs 3 times and Use Spell once.


    Yet another 4-5-6 for me. But could complete DC on second try. Had to use 60 gems to complete KPP (not sure if it was worth it as the stupid rare chest gave me 20 black pearls).  Below are the screen shots for DC KP and final rooms in each of the 3 levels of KPP.

    DC KP Final Room (this was the second time this showed up in less than a week for me)

    KPP Level 1 Final Room

    KPP Level2 Final Room

    KPP Level3 Final Room

    Finally – looks like I am one of the (un?)lucky ones to be given 24 horus for the extra birds to be awake. Bubbles also has twice the power for today and tomorrow.  I had activated Hal (which I can never use properly) to test if it will be awake for 24 hours.  Later when I saw Bubbles was double the power activated it.


    I activated Stella yesterday 9 PM my time and I have it for 24 hours.


    Yesterday and today I got 4-5-6 for DC.

    Yesterday I could complete DC and KPP in first try.

    The KP room of DC for me is same as what @grammyK posted above.  I just got lucky while using Blues (thought was an useless bird) which dismantled the hut type structure and knocked the KP (which is where my luck came in) into the right hand set of 4 fans which launched KP into the left hand set of four fans and eventually out of view to the left of the screen.

    KPP was relatively easy as well, but for the final KPP i had to use 60 gems as I knew all I needed was 2 birds to complete it. I got 20 gems in daily treasures (by watching videos) so am looking at it as if I only paid 40 gems.

    But one thing I am not sure is, Stella will be active for 24 hours.  Below is a screen shot.  I had activated it appox 10 hours before the screen shot.  Is this a new feature or did I just get lucky?



    @grammyK, KPP is in the daily quest for me – both yesterday and today.  So – this is one more difference apart from number of rooms.

    – thanks for the tip – will keep it in mind next time I see that room.

    I don’t think I will try the DC again today all though there is time left.  It is too frustrating to try and get to the final room where the pig – no mattter what you use remains healthy and alive.  I have seen that room previously and remember how difficult that KP is to beat.


    @grammyK – looks like you had 4-5-5 today.  My KP room of DC is different.  Below are some screen shots.

    Below is the 5th room of 3rd level and is a representation of rooms 1-4 for 3rd level, where you need luck or 2-3 birds.

    DC 3rd level 5th room

    Below is the KP room for my DC today

    KP Room

    Below is an example of a micro pig that is still alive, even after a structure falls on it.

    Long Live Micro Pigs


    Yesterday DC, I had 4-5-6 same as @aggieguy.  My DC KP was different than the screen shot above by @douglas. I had to use 60 gems to get through.

    If I visited the foum beforehand I probably wouldn’t have wasted gems.  If I solve DC, then chances are pretty high that I can get through KPP.  Only reason I spent 60 gems.  But looks like blocked exits are back as per the screen shot @aggieguy posted above.  So gave up after 2 tries.

    Today I have 4-5-6 again.  First two levels pretty easy, but I could get to KP in last level with no birds to spare. So giving up.

    Ever since the update3 days ago,  it is consistently 4-5-6 for me and I can hardly get to the final KP room.  Also I am not getting the video for TOF treasures are always only hats I already own, which means I only get 10 black pearls.

    Rovio – Mission Statement – We are going to suck out the joy out of every feature, DC, KPP, TOF, Treasures, Arean etc etc.  Let us see if you will still love us.  :-)


    Looks like @grammyK is the lucky one today.  Like @aggieguy I got 4-5-6.  First two levels of DC are very easy even with 4 and 5 rooms and could complete with 3-4 birds left.

    The KP level of DC had 6 levels, and getting to the final room with any birds (let alone stella) was impossible. Gave up after 3 tries. Booking this KP room to memory so when I see it next time, I will just close the game and get on with life.

    , all though all this seems random, I have a strong feeling Rovio has a set of critieria by which they make it miserable for a set of players and let a set of players enjoy the game – for a given day. Hopefully someone someday will crack the formula by which time I hope I would have moved on.  :-)


    DC was a bust yesterday but I could complete DC and KPP realtively easily today(Thursday).  DC took two tries and KPP took two tries, but I did not have to waste any gems.

    Only difference is I still got 4-5-5 in DC. Bad luck continues with TOF and Arena (today I was at level 5 and got an opponent only with 15 more FP than me. I used 4 spells to zero by opponent and I still lost by > 15K).


    4-5-5 DC.  Tried 5 times.  First time could not even complete level two.  Second time got to 3rd level but could not even complete 4th room even with extra bird.

    Third time got to the KP room as per the screen shot above and had Matilda, Silver, Chuck and Blues. Tried above suggestions and used Matilda and Silver but the pig did not budge from its perch/ledge. Chuck and Blues were useless, video play resulted in a freed bird – Blues.

    Fourth time reached the KP room with no birds left or video ad left(used in 4th room) and to add insutl to injury, Rocio threw a golden pig (i guess assuming i would be tempted to use 60 gems) but did not fall for it. Most of the time gems result in birds which will do no damage.  Fifth time could not even finish the second level and gave up.

    My DC today had way too many micro pigs in every room in level 2 and level 3. Each room had 3 structures plus micro pigs perched on tiny balloons only chilli can reach without problem. I had to use a minimum of 2-3 birds in each room. Did not take screen shots today.


    My DC Rooms below – Level1 (4)-Level2(5)-Level3(6).

    I did not take pics of individual rooms.  Just thought would post





    @douglas I agree with you. I started playing maybe 8-9 months ago and in all this time, I don’t think I had any easier time winning back then, than I do currently.

    Even in the begining, I rarely saw 2-3-4 or 3-3-4.  I always had 4-4-5 or 4-5-5. Few times i get 4-5-6 like today. I thought this was the norm until I joined this forum.

    What I noticed is that there are several levels and rooms I have seen before and solved easily and some time the same rooms are hard to beat with micropigs, structures that would not collapse and telporting pigs or pigs with umbrella. But do not know what the criteria is for the increased difficulty – some days.

    Today KP level in DC (6 Rooms) played it without Extra Bird(bubbles/stella/hal) and played with Extra birds, Freed Bird with Video Ad and still could only manage to reach Room 5.  I debated to use 60 gems to see the final room and also see if i could get the 20 gems from daily quest for playing KPP, but decided not to.

    Back to challenging DC days for me.  I would probably give up video ads and playing with extra birds, if it means I can get 2-3-4 or 3-3-4 in DC, but I guess Rovio decides each day what cirtieria to slap on which set of players.


    My FP is 550 (without the extra birds) and star power(I think?) is 50. Sharing so as to compare notes.

    Saturday DC and KPP I could complete in one try. I still get 4-5-5 in my DC.  Sunday I could complete DC but KPP 2room, I could not complete no matter what and gave up did not waste any gems.

    Todays DC, again 4-4-5 and could complete without using extra birds (Stella/Hal/Bubble) – but had to get a bird from video ad. Could also complete KPP without using any gems on first try.

    So after several(11 or 12) days of no DC wins, managed to complete DC 3 days in a row now.

    TOF – still getting pig on second floor – everyday – for ever now.


    Rovio listened to my complaints. So they bestowed me with a 4-5-6 today instead of a 4-5-5.

    Tried 5 times.  Only once (on my second try) did I finish the second level, that too using a spell and a ad video bird. Could see 3rd level was 6 rooms and “luckily” could finish 4th room.  Third level had multiple structures, unreachable micro pigs perched on tiny balloons only chilli spell can reach, teleporting/magician pigs and if all that is not enough, micro pigs that won’t die even after falling from their perches.

    Maybe tomorrow Rovio will bestow me with a 5-6-6.  It has been so many days that I have been able to be unlucky enough to finish DC. Can’t wait to see my luck shine bright again tomorrow.  :-)



    I still do not understand how few people get 3-3-4 or 2-3-4 in DC..  I always end up with 4-5-5 or 4-5-6.  I do not remember seeing 3-3-4 combination in almost 3-4 months.

    For me today is 4-4-5.  While the first two levels were relatively easy, the last level(KP) I am unable to reach the final room.

    I have read somewhere that how many rooms one gets in DC is totally random, but it is hard for me to beleive it is random. Have a feeling Rovio has some logic behind who gets to be “lucky” or who gets to be “frsutrated”


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