• Soooo – having lost all that in the update – all stars, locked out of all challenges, etc etc – I uninstalled/re-installed – and lost everything! According to Rovio, my device has never played AB2 before.

    So all that investment, thousands of pearls, gems, stars, hats, spells etc – gone. Well done Rovio! Given that Rovio themselves place a…[Read more]

  • Yep, same here. All stars gone, locked out of everything.

    Pretty damn annoying.

    Anyone know if there is a fix?

  • Bluedog replied to the topic Impossible in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 7 years, 5 months ago

    I’m just getting so bored of these levels that I can’t be arsed to play more than one or two lives at a time. It’s basically saying “you see that 15ft wall? We’d like you to keep trying to jump over it. You can either try 100 times or so and then we might supply you with a ladder. Or you can buy the ladder. Actually, yes, buying the ladder would…[Read more]

  • Bluedog replied to the topic Impossible in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 7 years, 5 months ago

    I’m busy laughing at the ridiculous 1020. These levels are just set up to be impossible to complete without A – massive luck (which is basically Rovio cheating in the players favour for once – see walkthrough) or B – the pity round (basically Rovio openly cheating in the players favour). Starting to realise that actually EVERY round we play is…[Read more]

  • Bluedog replied to the topic Slingshot in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 7 years, 6 months ago

    Working now – but wouldn’t allow me to draw back fully, and then sort of dribbled off the end.

  • Anyone else having issues? Mine’s gone all weird. Un and reinstalled and still weird.

  • @mighty-red-1 – I’m sure there was a commercial imperative behind this. It’s clearly reflected in the way the game is set up, which is my point; Rovio have gone all out to gain revenue, and consequently the game feels as if it’s trying to turn you upside-down and shake the last coins out of your trouser pockets. Which leads to all the frustrations…[Read more]

  • Just my opinion, but do you remember when AB was fun? Original AB, Space, Rio etc – played for the enjoyment and nothing else. My view of AB then (and by extension, Rovio) was light-hearted, cheery, harmless escapism. The forums and walkthrough comments reflected this – witty, supportive and cheerful.
    Now look at us all on here; bitching,…[Read more]

  • Can anyone suggest a use for the massive stockpiles of ducks and chillis I’m sure we’re all sitting on? Does anyone use these, ever? And please someone explain how the blizzard spell is anything other than a negative.
    While I’m at it – level 986 is hilariously, ridiculously hard. Since gems are no longer available through DC or KPC it’s clear…[Read more]

  • Currently on 756, waiting for the pity round, as it’s the only way to win without spending. Suddenly wondered what the long-term strategy is for AB2. Because Hamazonas is just another dull re-hash of Gravity Grove. All the “new” levels are reproductions of other ones with a different name.

    So where will this end? It’s become a hamster-wheel of…[Read more]

  • Currently on 756, waiting for the pity round, as it’s the only way to win without spending. Suddenly wondered what the long-term strategy is for AB2. Because Hamazonas is just another dull re-hash of Gravity Grove. All the “new” levels are reproductions of other ones with a different name.

    So where will this end? It’s become a hamster-wheel of…[Read more]

  • Bluedog replied to the topic Level 736 in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 8 years ago

    Hi mate – I’m through now. As usual, suddenly received a ton of FC’s etc – finished with 7 birds to spare. In essence, you play dozens of attempts which are impossible; then have one attempt which is impossible to lose. Not much fun there.

  • Bluedog replied to the topic Level 736 in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 8 years ago

    I’ve had over 50 attempts now – only reached the last set twice, both times with one bird. With the exception of set 3 (tip – keep Terence back for this one, pretty much guaranteed strike) all the others require 2/3 birds. It’s a 6 set level; you do the maths – without free cards or sardines I feel we’ll be here for a while.

  • Bluedog replied to the topic Level 736 in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 8 years ago

    Thanks RizDub. Very informative, good of you to take the time.

    My point (I think I need to make my sarcasm clearer) was actually that I do not believe that any of AB2 is random; quite the reverse. I have to say that I haven’t noticed any particular benefits on the 7th attempt having failed on the previous 6!

    What I find odd though is that…[Read more]

  • Bluedog started the topic Level 736 in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 8 years ago

    Just got here – initial feeling is that it’s a typical “hard” level. Roughly translated as “you won’t get past without a)money changing hands or b) playing through a whole load of meaningless attempts in the full knowledge that you are completely wasting your time, until Uncle Rovio decides, (purely randomly, of course – NOTHING in this game is…[Read more]

  • Bluedog started the topic Level 736 in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 8 years ago

    Just got here – initial feeling is that it’s a typical “hard” level. Roughly translated as “you won’t get past without a)money changing hands or b) playing through a whole load of meaningless attempts in the full knowledge that you are completely wasting your time, until Uncle Rovio decides, (purely randomly, of course – NOTHING in this game is…[Read more]

  • Bluedog started the topic Level 736 in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 8 years ago

    Just got here – initial feeling is that it’s a typical “hard” level. Roughly translated as “you won’t get past without a)money changing hands or b) playing through a whole load of meaningless attempts in the full knowledge that you are completely wasting your time, until Uncle Rovio decides, (purely randomly, of course – NOTHING in this game is…[Read more]

  • I’m with you mate; it’s actually worse than useless, as you have to use another bird for it to be of any use!

  • Bluedog replied to the topic Suggestions thread in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 8 years ago

    Dead simple; stop the naked manipulation and cheating. There are a ton of examples, teleporting pig, pigs in unreachable areas, virtually indestructible micros – but the biggest and most obvious fraud is when you’ve spent ages on a level without getting anywhere near finishing it, and then suddenly every set has a free card and every shot is a…[Read more]

  • Yeah, I’ve written about this several times. Fact is, the game is marketed as random, when in fact it’s arbitrary. I’ve managed to complete pretty much every level, (currently on 723) and haven’t spent anything at all, or played the arena – consequently my birds are no higher than 4 which presents challenges. But I play it in a very off-hand way -…[Read more]

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