AutoHog Active 4 years, 9 months ago

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  • AutoHog

    So last day of event, and still no launch button for me…. but going by this thread, I’ve really missed out on a lot of action!!

    Interestingly though, I can claim the 2000 tokens compensations. Worthless though, as I’ve no way to access the token exchange….!!

    I’m still hoping this is due to me not having Sunstorm…


    Well it doesn’t sound like I’m missing out on too much… but I don’t even have the button to launch this event! The News feed shows ‘event now live’, but no way to launch it. And not getting the ‘Roll Out’ screen on startup, so can’t get in that way either.

    Could it due to me not having Sunstorm….?? Anyone had this issue before??


    Ok. I get that Trypticon is a Decepticon. But in ABTF I see no other birds as Deceptihogs, or for that matter, pigs as Autobirds. Nor do I see any other character appearing as both Autobird & Doceptihog, as Hal now is. So this would be a first? Unless anyone has another example?


    I think I’ve worked it out



    Apologies for reviving and old thread…. but I’m confused.

    Trypticon is a Deceptihog….???
    I’d attach a screenshot, but being a noob, unsure how to… :(


    This is my first post here… Joined up some time ago, but always found answers to queries and others with similar issues to mine so never posted… But for once I’m happy to contribute!!

    Trypticon L15 > L16 overpower is a whopping……. 28%

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