SexBoBomb Active 8 years, 3 months ago

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  • SexBoBomb

    It’s not about people being lazy, people have lives and don’t have time to read through 17 or more pages just to see if someone had reported the same bug. Second, we are being asked to contribute to a forum that should be GRATEFUL that people are willing to take time out of their day to participate rather than annoyed that people are reporting the same thing over and over. If the consensus of the owners of this forum is that people are lazy because they contribute something that has already been contributed, then I want no part of this AT ALL


    Cave 1 after you beat WizPig. Basically after you finish the game, (per se).


    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I see.


    If someone already said this, I’m sorry but I’m not reading through 17 pages of comments just to figure that out. But anyway, during the Wiz Pig boss battle at the end of the second round when you have him down to the last few energy points he has left. If you follow the strategy most people I’ve seen follow, you end up with Red getting the last hit. However, my Red misses every single time at this exact point. How could this be? At no other point in the game does Red ever miss, until, without fail at this exact moment in the game. I’ve played through using the same strategy 5 times and the result is always the same, giving Wiz Pig a chance to re-power up and destroying my whole team. I ended up purchasing an upgrade for the Blues which allowed me to change up who got the last hit. Was the only way for me to beat him.


    Ha, and I read through the comments before posting this. Must’ve missed that one. Thanks.


    I could be mistaken, but I believe that there is a glitch with obtaining the Red Key. You are supposed to obtain it, according to several YouTube videos anyway, after completing the Mouth Pool level. For myself and a few other commenting on YouTube, we never got it after completing the level. If this is in fact a bug, it could be game ending as I’ve heard that there may be some equipment behind the red door necessary for finishing the game.

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