• CC Jolly posted an update in the group Badges & Ranking – Nominate & Congratulate 11 years, 2 months ago

    Congrats @surfcow with Fling King. Great Job!!!

    • Thank you for noticing. I was just getting used to showing off that flashy diamond. I suppose its fitting to be named a king on the same day a future king was born in England. Aloha.

    • Fling King Kow! The king now has a diamond encrusted crown. Congrats @Surfcow! What timing. Still stalking. I’m right behind you with a diamond.

    • Mumsie performs a deep curtsey whilst presenting @surfcow with an extra special duster with a diamond encrusted crown knitted into it! (Mumsie then has a problem getting up again!!!)

      • *Helps @mumsie42 up from her crazy curtsy* Your courtesy (and your curtsy) are a high honour. I accept your gift with great humility and will show it off with pride. I don’t know about you but anything preceded with the word deep is probably asking for trouble. Give my best to Prince George. My favourite headline was “Woman Has Baby” on Private Eye magazine. Cheers and Aloha.