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  • @andalaybay
    It’s been forwarded, thanks!


    Thats very weird! We will try to reproduce it when I get the time for it and see if I can find somthing. Thanks :)


    Yes this behaviour has been reported from others. Might already be fixd for next update. Will look into it. cheers :)

    I’m very sorry for the ridiculous amount of cheaters. They will be gone as soon as 2.5 is live. It does hurt me seeing this getting so ridiculous and I really hope you can have patient before its live. There’s really nothing we can do to hurry up the release more than what we have done and hopefully it will be live soon.
    For what its worth, the cheaters destiny is about to turn really dark. We are working hard to make our systems bulletproof from cheaters.

    My answer was for MVNLA2. Sorry for the confusion :-) I think you are right regarding facebook requirement. Don’t quote me on it tho!

    The quote from costumer support is a bit misleading. extra gems from daily quest is working. The problem they are talking about is that we have given out more gems than promised from the percentage that we displayed. This means that you get more gems than we are promising.
    About the treasure chest gems misunderstanding, the offer has been the same since the King Pack came out. Before last update the only treasure chests that was in the game was the chests on the map. It’s only since 2.4 was released that the feather increase has been misguiding. We fixed it immediately and its fixed for 2.5.

    Regarding how refunds work and compensation for the misunderstanding, I can not give you an update. You will have to talk to our support or contact Rovio through the website.

    Cool, I passed it to the level designers!

    Please lets try to keep this thread to UI issues only. If you want to get help on other topics please leave it in another thread or contact our support :-)


    It’s very hard to know what could be the problem in your case. It could be several reasons. Try to eliminate all the usual problems like internet connection and make a fresh install of the game and so on. If that does not help please contact our support. They are experts on these things and will help you.

    Hey there!
    So, lets begin with the things that is easy to manage. “Places that you can’t reach”. This is an issue that our level designers can fix. Next time you find such a place please screen shot it and post it to me and I will forward it to the right people.
    Regarding the pig toughness, we’ve had some physics issues when we converted our project to Unity 5 from Unity 4. I’m not sure if its related, or if you’re just unlucky because that is also a big factor in those cases that I encounter myself. Sometimes you are just very lucky and even manage to kill that extra pig that you was not planning to kill, but sometimes its the other way around which can be very frustrating. That is the nature of Angry Birds. So it’s a very thin line of what is actually a bug/issue or just pure luckiness/unluckiness.
    There has been no changes to how the physics works for the new levels.
    We are working on a lot of cool stuff for the arena to make it a better experience to play. I can’t discuss them further, but a lot of the stuff are positive to what I’ve read here.
    Thanks! It has been a good start and I wish you the same :-)


    A lot of good suggestions, thanks!
    Lets start with the old Arena. Some people liked it better but overall the new one is voted to be better, by the community. We did run a poll to the players and the new Arena was rated higher then the old one.
    With this said, the new Arena is in a very early stage. We are working hard to make the overall experience with the Arena much better.
    There’s a lot of cool features that will satisfy your suggestions. I can’t wait until we will release it to the live game.

    So, the star rank is a very newly introduced feature that will give the player a easier way to monitor you own progress and it allow us to release content to the player based on their rank. Just like the Arena and the Tournament which is unlocked on level 5 & 8. This opens a window for future features to be introduced on a more natural way.

    “Show score of enemy player on your current round”
    This is already on its way for the next update :-)

    “The new scoring system ruined the game.”
    I agree personally that having the score multiplier in singleplayer might have been a mistake. Specially for all our score hunters in our community. And I’m sorry for that. But playing AB2 from the beginning from now on will give your birds levels a purpose. By leveling them up they will give you more score.

    Quick navigation.
    I agree, jumping between chapters is a pain. I’ve tried to come up with a good suggestion how to make it easier without making the UI taking over the screen. Please come with suggestions, I’m listening :-)

    The old statistics was replaced with Star rank and badges that you get from the Arena. I can suggest bringing back some old statistics but I’m not sure if they have purpose anymore.

    Spice up the game.
    The future look brighter then ever my friend :-D

    Thanks again for all your suggestions and lets see how the future unfolds itself.

    I’ve forwarded it to our level designers and they are looking into it! Thanks for the notice.

    The names will be fixed for the next update! It’s when the name contains letters from other languages(in this case arabic) we could not display it in some labels. I changed it to dynamic fonts and it should now work :-) Thanks again for the report.
    Regarding the score. It seems to be legit. In the pictures that you sent me the opponent uses five spells. This gives him a small advantage. And it is possible, specially for cool people like yourself who are in the diamond leagues, to fight the same recording twice. When you are in the diamond league and with really high bird level, there is not as many recorded rounds because there’s limited people with the same requirements. Therefore, its more likely to fight the same opponent.

    I’ve downloaded the two arena leaderboard pictures. I would like to have the once on the score and weird names aswell. Thanks for all the documentation. This will be useful :-)

    It is fixed and will be live in update 2.6! :-)

    Sorry for the late reply, watching ads to receive free tickets has a limit for each day. I’m not sure if its 5 each day and there is also a cooldown time just like the normal free ticket system. So you can’t watch all the ads in a row. I think the cooldown is 3 hours for both ads and free tickets. That gives you 2 tickets every three hours without using any gems.




    Yes, as you can see cheaters can hide themselves with whatever score they want. So its important that our anti-cheat system removes not just the ones with very high score but even the ones that try to look like they have played with similar scores. The team is working on it, meanwhile please contact our support and I’m very sorry that you have to experience this. Nobody likes cheaters!

    Hey again!
    Could you tell me what device you manage to reproduce this with? I did not manage to reproduce it with mine. Also what version you got installed. Maybe it is already fixed :-)

    Awesome, thanks for the notice! Will fix it :-)

    The next patch will change the opponents way of throwing their cards. They will always throw one card when you throw one card. This will make the score more reasonable in the beginning.

    I’ve realised that I’ve gotten out of topic quite a lot in this thread. I’m not here to take any sides or discussing topics that is out of my hands. My focus is to listen to ideas, get bug reports and communicate with the community by helping or answer questions.
    I want to clearify that I’m here on my private time. Try to appriciate my efforts and take the opportunity to improve the game by influencing me with improvements and ideas :-)


    Regarding the cheaters, we are working on a solution to remove the cheaters permanently. Meanwhile, I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Feel free to report this to our support.

    Regarding premium chest rewards, it’s not equal chance for every reward. There is a weight on every reward which makes them easier to get than others. I can’t tell you the exact numbers but feathers are much more common than spells. Also there is three types of feather rewards: 100,150 and 250.

    (EDIT): I think, for every 200,000 points difference, you gain an extra star.

    So 5 stars for win, and win by a margin of 1,000,000, receive another 5 stars.

    I may be wrong on this!

    This is not correct. You get 1 star for each 20% more score you beaten your opponent with, up to 10 stars.

    If your opponent got 100 points and you got 140 points then you get 7 stars. 5 for the victory and 2 for the 40% more score than your oppnoent.


    You do not get any stars from your replays victories. You might have turned of you game before the star gaining animation is played when returning to the nest or the world map after a successful arena or level session.
    If so, then the game remembers this when you start it again and gives you the correct star amount from your last game.

    All fixes we do is not live until the next scheduled patch. We can’t commit fixes to the live game instantly. This is to dangerous with a game this big. It has to go thought QA tests and be confirmed that it works as intended.
    Regarding the stars in the Arena, he/she could be cheating. We are trying to find a way to eliminate cheaters completely in the Arena. But reporting it to our support is important to make everyone aware of the problem.
    I will let you guys now when we found a solution for this and meanwhile I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

    Regarding cheaters, we are trying to find a long term solution for this for a future update.
    Same thing goes with league matching in both opponents and in leagues.


    As I’ve said before. There’s a bug currently in the live game that has already been fixed. All profile views in the game is currently showing your own league. Even friends and leaderboard profiles. It will be fixed for the upcoming update.

    @andalaybay @mvnla2
    We are fixing it for the reported level. If you know more levels then please post them here.


    Sounds like there must been an error in the syncing just like you’ve said already.
    Make a bug report to the support. They might be able to help you!

    Hey! Not a UI related bug, but I will make a request to fix it for level 260. What device are you using and what resolution? Tested it my Edge and I had plenty of space but that might not be the case if you’re using 4:3.
    If you find more levels with the same problems, please post them here and I will add them to the list.

    I think I manage to located the problem and fixed it for the next update. Thanks again for the heads up!


    Most of the other Rovio games are not made in the same engine as Angry Birds 2 and therefore it’s not that easy. I agree having another type of syncing-method would be nice, but compare to the other things we’re working on, it’s not prioritized as high. Maybe in a future update we might implement it.
    I understand your frustration about required to use Facebook. I’m still positive of using it tho, but I respect the choice not to.


    We´ve gotten more of these physical issues regarding the birds and are trying to reproduce it and find the reason of what causes it. Thanks for the report!

    Regarding navigation in the world map I’m gonna write it down on my to-do list and we will try to find a good way to moving between chapters faster. Thanks for the input.

    We are trying to fix a permanent long-term solution to remove all arena cheaters. It’s not an easy task, but we are trying our best to do so as fast as possible.
    Like @mvnla2 said, it does not hurt to send a support request and see if our support team can fix this the short-term in your case. Once again, I’m sorry about the inconvenience.

    To be able to get the King bird pack you have to be a paying user. You will get it after each fifteen level in the world map.


    You are right. But you can also buy the prince pack now as well. The criteria for this is to not be a payer and after each sixth level.

    Thank you! We are looking into this as we speak. And I’m sorry that you have to experience this.

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