JoeBlack Active 2 years, 3 months ago

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  • JoeBlack

    @papakarlo hahaha…this cracks me up. Everyone else who gives a suggestion is ‘depressive’ or they will ‘ruin a good thing’ but it’s ok when you do the same…why, are you special? smh…hypocrisy at best.


    @deindiaan new event criteria is out (has been for 5+ hours) but you and @papakarlo (pindickio) can wait to find out what it is….btw I killed every single Unicron (didn’t know it was that big of a deal) & won 13,000 tokens w/a 210% promoted player (not in the bonus squad) for the week. Met my goal and then some but then I don’t play this game like a addict. I play it for fun/don’t spend everything (to get somethin somethin’) like a manic shopaholic.


    @papakarlo I posted that to greg a month ago…why did it get under your skin now? Was it my ‘addict’ remark (hit close to home huh). Oh wait, I know, we were in the same event competition and I scored higher w/a player w/less promotion…bwhahahaha!!! Had to hurt huh pindickio…


    @papakarlo I know ‘how to play the game’….Peeps can play it any way they like. Quit acting like it’s rocket science, cuz it isn’t. You called out someone for being ‘depressive’ once and they haven’t posted since. You enjoy getting ‘personal’ on here. Stick to the game criteria Pindickio…don’t bring your bs here to me. I chew up/spit out bullies like you. Oh and speak for yourself ok. The only reason you drag everyone else (ie. no1 cares) into the discussion, is because you don’t have confidence in what you say (bullies are insecure like ‘that’ because ‘misery loves company’). Just because nobody ‘replies’, doesn’t mean they didn’t take it to heart AND it’s odd you took it so personally, when the post was sent to greg. You bully people for tagging you but look…you do the same thing! It’s a game. It’s for fun. I’m sorry someone in your life was so hyper critical of you and you need to project it here. I’m so so sorry I upset your delicate sensibilities pindickio…cough.

    PS. Thanks for giving me so much power though ie. my suggestion can ‘destroy good things’. Wow…you need to get out more dude…put this game aside for a spell…


    s’matta @moifirst…you don’t like ‘variety’? You chided me once for the same thing yet here you are… COUGH


    …as well as the “Hey let’s zoom in on the bottom of the TF so the player has no clue what they are shooting at for 10 seconds, ‘feature’ “. Come on R/E…is that all you can come up with?! (oh wait, there’s no support…that’s ok, the voices in my head agree!).


    Millions of coins, Nautica overpowered to level 16 & 13 gold crates…. but I used Slipstream after about 5 minutes of nonsense. Find one/two players you like & roll w/it…you won’t lose your religion (as much :P).

    It’d be nice to know ahead of time what customizations aren’t working but I’ve posted this alot/NOBODY SEEMS TO GIVE A SHITE….anyway NEW EVENT IS UP…LOOKS LIKE FUN!


    new event is up :P


    btw, this ‘early intel’ (got it 6 hours ago) cost me 0ne Hawaiian shirt. Oceania surfers drive a hard bargain! I take Amazon gift  cards if anyone else wants an early notice! Have a nice day!


    @exientgreg just got screwed out of a whole round of points…smh…why am I not fekkin’ surprised…the team always reflects its leadership…feck off


    Last day is the 3 toothed twirly bird guys…I have no idea what most of these things are called BECAUSE THERE’S NO SUPPORT TO EXPLAIN IT. When it gets me Jeff Bezos’ job (or one like it), I’ll memorize them…


    @papakarlo I know how to play this game…ty4 the ’empathy’ though (that’s sarcasm btw)…even though you ignored my other suggestions/only chose the criteria you could make all about you…passively me telling me ‘who cares…the game plays ok for me’….) & tagging me on a post that I sent to someone else…COUGH.

    btw, tokens this event for me so far…3500…3500…2750 (didn’t care…that was the day a player paid a 1000 gems to win by 400,000…why!?…I have no idea) …3500 and looks like 3500 today…yawn


    @papakarlo & the rest of you rowdies….Hang in there! Tomorrow is TNT!
    Today, I’m playin’ against a frustrated peep who has spent (using simple math), 410 gems (so far) to get to 269,000 pts. smh. I’m grateful I don’t play this game like an addict. Anyway, we get to blow shite up tommorrow :P!


    @exientgreg  The players with addictive personalities, ‘who want what they want …when they want it’, will keep buying everything in sight…’that’ won’t change. However, are those the only players you wish to appease? I hope not.


    Oh wait…what customization is ‘broken’ on these players THAT WE NEVER HEAR ABOUT @exientgreg or are we supposed to mind read AGAIN…Oh maybe I’m on that ‘whoops cheaters list by MISTAKE’ again huh…65 minute Spark Run tonight…what a joke that is…I’m not supporting this game anymore by watching ads…what for…


    Made sure Nemesis Prime was customized to the max & at level 10 (already had a head start on ‘that’ vs Bumblebee so the prudent selction was ‘Nemesis’)…anyway ok so I hit everything in sight, 1st round of the event and got 198 points. The other 3 were less than 350 points. The scoring is a cluster feck in this game. It’s not even fun. These are useless players in yet another tedious event that should be renamed “Mental Masturbation Redux”…hey @exientgreg do the job right or just hang it up…smh


    @abt Thanks for doin’ this! Enjoy retirement (long walks on the beach, pot luck dinners and BINGO!). seeya


    I used Grimlock cuz it was promoted from another event. Too bad there’s no continuity/consistency to the scoring in this game. When support finally gets back to you, their lame reply is “ohhh whoopsies, maybe you got tagged as a cheat”…instead of simply having the integrity to admit that they suck at what they do. I got Grimlock fully weaponized & at level 10. That’s enough for me. Especially when the last round I hit every target I could dodging 20 falling mortar towers (a whopping 188 points x 500% promotion). Not fun & certainly not entertaining. These devs have no game/nothing new & it’s sad they blame us for cheating instead of simply ‘upping their game’. By the way, am I off the fake & ‘falsely accused’ cheaters list’?


    EnergonJohn…always excited for the new schtuff…:P


    i ask about a cheater and you want to check if i’m a cheat…ummm k…smh…nice presence as a support guy…way to build trust…btw whoever runs this board really sucks at what they do.

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