• CricketLuv posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    @marvintayler Congrats on winning 2 weeks in a row now with your top scores . Glad to see this site finally realizes that @dennis-meijer-942 posts questionable top scores without uploading photo proof every week now. He’s just making himself look ridiculous again this week and his scores will be removed again. Lol

    • Thx @cricketluv. Both weeks I was on vacation and had loads of time to play. This week will be harder for me. BTW: It’s not the first time cheater try to get into the leaderboard. :-)

  • CricketLuv posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    @dennis-meijer-942 why do you continue to post your fake high scores without uploading photo proof when everyone flags them as questionable … this site just removes them anyhow after the week. Is there a reason why you waste your time like this?