• JoOoker posted an update in the group Badges & Ranking – Nominate & Congratulate 9 years ago

    please all post on firums stella, we want chapter 3 for sling shot

    • Kathy replied 9 years ago

      @jo0oker This group is for Congratulations and Nomination, your post may be better seen if you start a forum for the subject you are looking for help with. You can do this by starting a discussion, look on the gold bar above under the forums tab. If you need further help contact @admins

      • but i post 2 subjects and Didnt show may be the admin is deleted it.

        • @JoOoker, I’ll take a look and make some adjustments if necessary. Thanks.

        • Kathy replied 9 years ago

          Sorry to hear that @jo0oker maybe @sweetp or @Amslimfordy can help, get the answers that you need , They are admins . Sorry I dont know anything of Stella, i havent tried it yet . Sorry i couldnt be more helpful.
          Good luck; )

    • @dalesh, I think it would be easiest for you to try again. Please create your topic on the Stella page: https://www.angrybirdsnest.com/forums/forum/angry-birds-stella/

      Since you’re new, it will be flagged for moderation, but I’ll keep my eyes out for it and make sure it’s published.

      Thank you for your patience.