Dan Darling Active 8 years, 11 months ago

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  • Dan Darling

    So also for me the gem awards for combining materials did drop 60% across the board. No coins awarded for going into the missions. Storage still reduced. Still no new levels to play. I just don’t understand what’s going on here. I know Rovio doesn’t care about us because they want to give the new players an experience and to take their money. But when they’re pushing things like AB2… I’m thinking NO.

    Dan Darling

    I seriously doubt Rovio is hurting for money. If each person in the world who downloaded spent one dollar that has to be tens, if not over a hundred million dollars.

    Dan Darling

    So basically if this is not a glitch and an intentional attempt to block “farming”: then I have wasted my time and resources into growing that silo and trying to obtain the numerous resources that were all lost. And if this is the case the. There should be a very generous compensation for that. And since there probably won’t be then my message to rovio is stop trying to slow down the people playing your game and make more game for them to play. It’s getting to the point where I can’t upgrade anymore because of restrictions on that. and now I am getting to the point where playing a level is impossible because the difficulty is too high.

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