deziWright Active 8 years, 5 months ago

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  • deziWright


    For ship battles, the special skills of the birds aren’t considered so you want the highest value numbers of items for the birds to wear. [How you plan the ship pieces may be different].

    For example, the total heart value of the ship and all the birds becomes your base defense for the ship [the value in front of the + sign showing defense]. So if your bird normally plays with a lower value item in PVP mode because it generates extra panels or something, that skill isn’t applicable to the ship [you need the ship part that generates extra panels] so in that case, using the item with highest heart value for each bird [usually the ‘auto’ is ok for this] gets you the maximum base defense for the ship.

    You can see this easily by clicking on the ship & looking at it’s values for attack, defense and heart. Change how a bird is dressed, go back and look at the values and they’ll be different.

    When you level up birds, your ship values increase as well as the ship values consist of the ship parts plus the birds’ values as they’re currently dressed.


    Thanks for the tips.

    I may also file a complaint with the ftc [ – Federal Trade Commission] and BBB. If they are aware they have an issue, they shouldn’t be taking money from people. Especially when they charge more than most pay-per-play games.



    They didn’t respond to several tickets [about related issues] that myself or my friends opened. I already spent money and wasted gems. I also still keep losing ship energy [ie wasting my time with the stupid game].

    There’s more reports of complaints as comments to posts on their facebook page:

    And in some of the facebook groups for the games:

    Anyone having the issue that hasn’t opened a formal problem report with Rovio about it should go here and open one, especially if you’ve lost money:


    Right now it seems there’s a bug where invitations to friends to fight the monster pigs aren’t getting to people and/or the monster pigs are disappearing.

    Disappearing Boulder Pigs


    Sometimes it does seem to increase the panel rate and sometimes it doesn’t seem to work. I noticed especially when trying to use these items in the lab it almost never works, I hardly can get any match-4s when even using rock star glasses in the lab.

    As some people are seeing the difference and some people are not [I am seeing it intermittently] it seems to be a psuedo-random issue that is popping up – more often in the past few days than previously,

    I was also curious about the % based on item ranking. It seems SS items are supposed to be a 12%, S items an 8% and A ranked items a 5% increase. I have the Boom Box Radio Cassette Player for bomb which is an ‘S’ ranked item but only shows that it is increasing 5% [it often doesn’t do anything]. If it is an ‘S’ ranked item, shouldn’t it be displaying that it has an 8% increase?


    It’s now happening on a 100% consistent basis.
    Fight a pig [don’t kill it off]
    Send to friends, send to everyone or click the check mark [it doesn’t matter]
    Click the back button [to see what other pigs are available, play pvp mode, go to lab etc]
    Pig is Gone
    One hour later – journal entry shows you didn’t kill pig.

    I am even having journal entries show up for lost fights with pigs I NEVER saw in the first place.

    I lost dozens of ship energy and gems trying to compete for ranking and they’re just completely wasted. If the game was 100% free and didn’t work that’s one thing. But for 3 days now I’ve opened requests that go unanswered after having spent a significant amount of money that gets lost because I can’t continue fighting the pigs or send them to friends and Rovio hasn’t even bothered to respond.

    I want my money back!!


    @fred-geske The fight points determine your overall ranking.
    When you fight another bird, your and theirs ‘rank’ is shown – the rank is determined by the number of fight points.

    I don’t know how they do matches [to ensure a beginner doesn’t have an expert level opponent] it’s possible they could use the rank for this. That may not be the case however, I can’t say for sure.

    But the fight points do determine your rank – which you may or may not care about.


    I can’t pass them to friends either:

    requests help from friends Dezi & UnderBird

    a. doesn’t see help request and no monster pigs when going to the event
    b. logged out and back in, still did not see Domino’s pig
    c. continued playing (hoping they would appear – they didn’t) and Domino got her own monster pig
    d. didn’t kill it
    e. requested help from friends UnderBird & Domino


    a. doesn’t see either help request from Dezi or Domino
    b. logged out and back in and still doesn’t see help requests


    a. DOES see the help request from Dezi
    b. also sees the monster pig she requested help for
    c. fights Dezi’s pig, loses so it is still alive

    Underbird can’t see Dezi or Domino’s monster pigs? ‘
    [Domino saw it, why didn’t Underbird – it still isn’t dead]
    And Why doesn’t Dezi see Domino’s monster pig?

    Dezi [a few minutes later]

    a. no longer sees her own monster pig which wasn’t killed off by Domino
    b. no longer sees Domino’s monster pig

    Neither was killed off, one user didn’t see the help requests or any pigs and the pigs just disappeared.

    All of this transpired in about 20-30 minutes [much less time than the 1 hour before they lose]
    When requesting help from friends – the pigs just ‘dissapear’ even the original person whose pig it was can’t see it anymore

    Later [after they’ve ‘expired’ despite not being able to see them] they show up as losses in the log.

    All 3 of us wasted energy fighting pigs and they’re just gone or can’t be seen to help each other which means we’ll end up losing. This is not right. Please investigate the issue[s] and credit us our spent ship lives.

    Rovio should not be charging money [even sale prices] for a defective game.

    More pigs are lost than are even counting.

    I opened a 2 tickets with Rovio, one for the pigs disappearing when the back button is clicked [to change the pigs outfits before fighting the monster pigs] and one for the issue with friends not seeing some of the pigs. That was early this morning and I’ve heard nothing about either ticket.


    What is the point in ‘dueling’ a friend if there’s nothing to ‘win’ ? [No gg points, no coins etc] They should have something you ‘get’ when winning in a friend duel and just limit the number of duels per day to avoid people creating multiple accounts to rack up things.

    OR have a separate ‘points’ system for ‘duels’ and offer ranking prizes at the end of a week/month/[other period of time], still implementing some sort of daily duel limit to avoid multiple accounts from being used to ‘cheat’.


    Each of the birds [including the captain] appears to get a point for each of it’s panels that is matched. [ie: match 3 = 3 points for that bird]. The captain gets ‘1’ extra point for each match that is done.

    As for figuring out if you should use a higher attack bird than the one that you are supposed to use for your ship, watch the actual fight with the correct bird [for the ship]. During the playback, it shows each bird and it’s attack.

    Divide the attack administered [in a single shot] by the number of points the bird earned in that fight and you’ll know how much ‘attack’ each ‘point’ is worth.

    [Simplified math example]
    So if Blues has 100 ‘points’ at the end of the puzzle and during the fight administers a [one time] ‘attack’ of 120, you’ll know you get 1.2 ‘attack’ for each Blues point. If Chuck earns 25 points during the puzzle and administers a [one time] ‘attack’ of 50, he’s getting 2 ‘attack’ for each point making it more advantageous to maximize chuck as the captain.
    If chuck were only administering a 20 [one time] ‘attack’ you know he’s getting less than one attack per point which would make blues the better captain.

    [I know the numbers aren’t realistic, I just tried to use numbers that made the math part easy to understand]

    Basically you need to know who has more valuable attack per point earned in the puzzle and the best way to figure that out is to calculate how much ‘attack’ is being administered by both birds during the fight when [for the haunted mast example] Blues is captain].


    Obviously if you have a mast where the [specified] captain goes twice, in that scenario you’d want the specified captain because they’ll administer two times the attack.


    Another hint: dress your birds to maximize their value before battling with the ship.

    If you use a lower value weapon in PVP fights [because it has a special power to give you bonuses], the special powers of that weapon don’t apply in the ship battles so you’ll want you’re bird to have the highest attack weapon possible.

    You’ll also want to maximize the ‘heart’ [health] with the accessory the bird wears as all of the birds’ total ‘heart’ count towards the ship’s base defense. If you use an accessory that has defense or attack during PVP fights, you might want to consider switching to the accessory that maximizes your heart value for ship fights.

    Side Note: It would be nice if [instead of the ‘auto’ button] there was a single button that would dress all the birds in a configuration we pre-set. [Like ‘Lab’ ‘PVP’ or ‘Ship’ so we didn’t have to go through and redress each bird individually every time we did something different in the game. The ‘auto’ button is usually only good for ship mode, but even then sometimes doesn’t pick a heart accessory over something else.


    Here is another example with details of what just happened to me.

    12:52PM EST
    1. After a PVP fight, I get a popup that a super monster pig has appeared and it asks if I want to fight.
    2. I click yes to fight and then click the fight button
    – Details: Level 32 Super Monster Pig [Yellow] with 16400 Heart Appears
    3. After Fight 4739 Heart Remains
    I DO NOT ask for help, only click the check mark.
    4. I click the back button so I can fight in PVP fight which waiting for more ship energy to finish off the pig..
    5. As soon as I click the back arrow, the ‘1’ is no longer displaying on the ‘Events’ button.
    6. I immediately click the events button and the monster pig event
    7. The pig is gone !!

    Immediately after losing the fight and clicking the back button – the pig disappeared!!!
    I can’t finish fighting the pig – it’s just gone.

    I am typing this at 12:58 PM
    ONLY SIX minutes transpired between getting notification of the pig, fighting the pig [he wasn’t dead] clicking the back button, going back into events, seeing the pig gone AND THEN WRITING THIS ENTIRE description for you!! SIX MINUTES!! The pig is GONE!!

    I DID NOT log out, I didn’t do anything except click the back button. I didn’t even engage in a PVP fight, I noticed the ‘1’ wasn’t lit on the events button and immediately went back to find the pig gone.

    I DID NOT ask for help from friends or everyone, I only clicked the checkmark at that point.

    There is currently no record of that pig in my log, but in the past I have been seeing them eventually show up as ‘losses’ even though I can’t finish fighting them.

    I am seeing the same behavior when I ask friends for help fighting the pigs. Some of my friends see the help request, some do not and eventually [without the an hour having passed when the pig would normally expire] I can’t even see my own pig anymore. They’re just gone.

    *** I am wasting ship energy and gems by ‘losing’ fights if I don’t beat the pig on the first try, because I can’t fight it myself [or with friends]

    *** I am falling behind in the rankings while other people ARE successfully killing pigs

    !!!! This is worse than when randomly it wouldn’t count the pig fights !!!!
    I want my money or gems/energy back. It is literally a waste of money !!


    As someone who does spend money on gems, the length of the tournament is too long and reduces my incentive to buy the gems. The long length makes it easier to accumulate the points I need to win the prizes and the limited space in my item box reduces my incentive to win the ranking prizes. I didn’t use any gems for energy during this tournament and am ranked in the top 1000. The longer the tournament is, the more opportunity to get free energy. For a business, they’ve got it backwards if they think the longer length is selling more gems.


    Did you find out how to view the leaderboards?


    I like the Christmas Glasses, but I don’t have the mascarade glasses.
    They’re the only accessory I have for Matilda that generates extra Matilda panels in the game.

    For all the birds, it’s hard to compare accessories with attack/defense to health because the health is basically directly added onto the existing bird health while attack/defense values are calculated into how well you perform during the game. [100 defense isn’t the same as 100 heart because the 100 defense is part of a calculation which is based on how well you perform during the puzzle whereas 100 heart is a static value added onto your existing heart. If you’re very good at the game, it might make sense to use an accessory that raises your attack/defense, if you’re not so great at the game and/or worry about getting those ‘bad puzzles’ every now and then, accessories with a heart value are probably better because they’re static. [ie 100 heart = 100 more points on your heart value].

    I will agree that Matilda with or without extra heart can often be difficult to beat due to her really high base heart value.


    ** Deleted By User **


    I had to play the 20 gem slot about 6 times to get all the ship parts for this one. [120 gems] and I’ve spent lots of gems [lost count, $100 + $40 gift cards for google play worth] avoid the wait times & keep playing. I only have 3 gems left.

    I’m very disappointed though that some of the fights do not count. I’m not getting points or coins for the fights and Rovio keeps insisting that the fights ‘just aren’t being logged’. Except they’re not paying the reward coins or giving me points either.

    I don’t have money to spend on games, but my mom asked family & close friends to send me google play gift cards for the holidays since I’ve been online a lot and can’t go out much due to health issues.


    This Week’s Christmas Ship Parts:

    I was supposed to have won the Santa Mast but never got it. It’s not in my gift box or my item box :(

    No Santa Mast For Me :(


    The only thing you can do with the gems really is either not wait for fight / ship energy to refill, or play the slot. Use the 20 gem slot because you are guaranteed an SS item.

    You can’t trade gems for coins directly if you need coins to level up the birds past 30 or enhance the weapons, but you can play the slot, get good stuff and sell it to enhance the weapons you like. If you get duplicate of A S or SS items, you can ‘merge them’ so they can be enhanced even more. Sell off the weaker stuff and use the coins to enhance the cool stuff.


    Will we get to dress him up in funny outfits like ice cream on his head and give him a half-eaten corn dog [corn dog made with beef of coarse] to fight with and an 80’s boom-box to carry around with him on his adventures?

    I want to play with the cute piggie !!! Maybe I can leave Bomb in the test lab and take out Piggie. Bomb sucks at the game. I bet poor rescued piggie would play better than bomb.

    What sort of cool weapons, hats and accessories do you think the piggie will get? I imagine he won’t want pig’s head figurines or anything. Unless they’re of Dr. Pig. I think piggie should have a chain saw for a weapon. With a Beer as an Accessory. And he can wear a dirty old “Home Depot” hat.



    There are numerous pigs that you will fights which will take your energy but not award you the points or coins promised for beating the monster pig. There is no local log record of the fight[s] and tovio claims no server log record of the fights. I have 6 huge monster pigs fights just NOT COUNT after spending money on gems for ship energy and for bird energy to PVP to get the monster pigs to show up – and the fights just don’t count. I managed to get my score up to 6740 and the last 2 fights I had since then – just don’t count. I never got my coins from them, I didn’t get any points from them. I am missing one of the prizes I should have gotten [Santa Mast] and Rovio keeps saying they’re looking into it but have no record of it on their servers. Meanwhile they keep taking my money and using up energy. You’d think they’d at least wait till after the fight, after the coins & prozes were distributed to TAKE the ship energy away. At least this way if it wasn’t going to count – it didn’t COST ME MONEY!!!

    Why do they even have a stupid energy time for the fights and pigs and ridiculously overpriced ‘gems’ to pay-to-play the game? If the game is broken – they shouldn’t charge people money to play. It’s sounding like a scam.


    Thanks for the info . . :)

    That poor piggie waiting to be rescued though . . .


    I’ve spent money on gems to get stuff from the slot to fight the monster pigs and to use gems for ‘ship energy’ only to NOT GET CREDIT for fighting several monster pigs. In this tournament and the one two weeks ago. The fight uses up a ship energy but after beating the monster pig – the promised coins aren’t awarded, no points are added to the score and there’s no log record of the event.

    The other week when I sent Rovio a complaint about it they sent me a few extra gems [no where near what I’d spent and didn’t credit me the actual points I’d lost in the tournament or adjust my placement for prizes]

    I found out last week that after your birds reach level 30, you need to pay 50,000 coins to ‘level up’ after that or the birds are ‘stuck’ at 30. So I spent MORE money to buy crap from the slots to sell because you can’t buy coins or trade gems for coins directly so I could level up my Blues for the Masters tournament and then never even got my prize/reward from the tournament!!

    Now this week the monster pig fights aren’t counting again. There’s no common factor / consistency in when they count except that it’s some of the higher energy level monster pigs [the ones the hints are always saying pay ‘big rewards’ when you beat them]. They’re all my pigs [not help pigs] and it’s always pig that are ‘found’ after spending gems to engage in pvp fights. If I let the energy rack up by not playing all the monster pigs found there have not had issues.

    I contacted rovio several times about this weeks issue[s] with the monster santa pigs and got a canned reply about checking the FAQ for an answer to my issue.

    I DO NOT recommend spending money on gems if you plan to use it to buy energy for you ship to fight monster pigs – you’ll lose your energy [aka gem you spent $$ on] and risk not getting credit for the fight [no coins – no points for tournament standings and no response from rovio about it] Save your money – the game is full of bugs – they shouldn’t be allowed to charge people money for anything in the game the way it behaves.


    I thought it was just me that didn’t get their rewards for the Blue Tournament. At least I’m not the only one. :)


    I think it’d be cool if the prizes for the arena/tournament gave out something special that was useful in the next arena/tournament. Like instead of having a ‘Blues-Only’ slot this week to win stuff for Blues – the prizes from last week’s tournament should have been special SS Blues items that maybe weren’t available any other way.

    I think if you just have an outright ‘choice’ it isn’t a ‘slot’ anymore – it’s a ‘store’ which would be OK if you could buy / trade for items you wanted – but it defeats the point of the ‘slot’ so it almost is a request for a new feature – a ‘trading post’ of sorts.

    As for trying to get stuff to help with the current competition, I think they should have prizes in one competition that serve a useful purpose or advantage in the next competition.


    I played the slot A LOT. I did the 20 gem one each time, must have spent close to $200 [i didn’t realize it at the time, it seemed like $12-18 here and there until I saw my credit card statement a few days ago]. I was mostly trying to get better stuff to fight the pigs in the lab but ended up with shark ship parts. I sell off the lesser stuff to make improvements on the stuff I have. I like the other ship parts I have more because normally they’re worth more Attack & ‘D’. [My mast is the Stella goes twice mast]. I usually beat the regular pig ships with 3 stars all the time [although I’m not good at the PVP or lab pigs] but when the Kaijuu monsters were there, the shark ship parts that had lesser value [even when upgraded] were like uber-duper extra credit. [I don’t know WTF they do to figure anything out, but my ship would have 1x,xxx+yyy [like over 10,000 plus whatever i earned in that puzzle]. But if the Shark ship isn’t special against the next set of monster pigs for the next monster pig thing [like if there’s a new ship you need to be special against the next set of monsters] then I want to sell off the ship to improve my other stuff.

    I was pretty good against the monster pigs [especially since they didn’t have any sabotage that was really bad – that always just throws my whole game off] with the Shark Ship, but had issues because some of the fights never counted towards my score. The fight wouldn’t be in the log book, if it was the pig I needed for a new slot ticket – it wouldn’t be counted and I’d not get the slot ticket, and my score wouldn’t change. I thought something was weird with the scoring at first but then I started keeping track and confirmed some of the monster pig fights just weren’t counting. I sent Rovio some open support tickets b/c I was really upset that I’d spent all this money on the slot to get the shark ship and stuff and my some of the battles didn’t count. [Some were group battles and some were just my own monster pigs]. They sent me 3 monster slot tickets the first time I complained and then when I had screen shots of another fight that didn’t count they sent me like 5 gems – but never fixed my scores or position in the rank.

    I don’t know exactly what my rank was because I got frustrated from the fights not counting but it was somewhere just over 5,000. [I started a little late into the tournament]. I finished in the second set of prizes, the 5,000 – ? [the one that got 2 pieces of another ship].

    Now I am trying to win the lab to save the piggie in the lab [although I’m now not sure this is even possible – see my recent post about this] So I’m trying to improve my equipment to fight the pigs. I didn’t know if I should sell the shark ship parts or if the next monster tournament the Shark Ship would be special against whatever monster pigs were there. [Or maybe there’d be a new ship we needed against those monster pigs].

    As for switching stuff, I usually switch between what I fight the pigs with and the PVP stuff unless whatever I have is the most powerful against PVP AND has a lab pig bonus.

    Like my Stella has a Chinese Fan [SS+, 4/4 Stars] with 418 Attack but doesn’t do anything against the lab pigs. Stella also has a Pin Wheel [SS++ 5/5 Stars] that has a lesser attack, only 336 but gives me a 30% or 40% [i forget which] attack boost against Dr. Pig. So I use the pinwheel against Dr. Pig and switch to the Chinese Fan in PVP. I think that kind of switching is OK. There’s no need for any other Stella weapons. I do that with a few of the birds, just have 1-2 weapons/hats/accessories depending on if I need a second one for the lab pigs. I sell everything else to enhance them. Recently I’ve been having issues with some of the sabotage [mostly from the pigs because it lasts too long and the puzzle is so short] so I’m trying to find accessories that block sabotage from pigs. [The PVP sabotage blockers – unless they’re really powerful – hardly ever fight the bird they’re for and don’t make sense to trade down for the ‘hope’ it might be right. The PVP sabotage isn’t as long as the lab pig one either so it isn’t too bad.

    So I basically sold off everything from all the gems I bought in the slots to enhance the top 1-2 weapons/hats/accessories and wanted to sell the Shark Ship parts to enhance the bird’s weapons. Like Red has a Monkey King Staff [SS++ 4/5 Stars] that is 446 Attack and has a boost against security pig. It costs 45,000 coins to enhance it to the 5th star [max] which would make it 478. Red also has a Double Decker Bus [SS++ 4/5 Stars] that has 188 Defense and the final enhancement for it is 36,000 coins to bring it to 204 Defense. So I’d need to sell off my Shark Ship parts to enhance his stuff. So if the Shark Ship parts aren’t special against other monster pigs – they’re not my best ship parts, I might as well sell them BUT if some new monster pigs come along next week and the Shark Ship is special against them [or if the Kaiju Family might come back in a few weeks] I’d save the Shark Ship.

    Do you know when they had previous monster pig tournaments, was it a Shark Ship that was special against them or a different type of ship? [This was the first tournament I was really paying attention to, I think I remember the Scorpion Pig thing, but didn’t really understand the whole tournament thing so I don’t remember what kind of ship it was].

    I don’t think it makes sense to hold onto a lot of lower ranked less powerful stuff unless it has a special skill [like for me anti-pig sabotage would be helpful, I literally just freeze when the lab pigs turn the screen b&w and it lasts almost the whole puzzle.]

    I guess if I was better at the game it wouldn’t matter as much if I enhanced the weapons, but I’m not so great so trying to get as much of an edge as I can. [My Blues wears ice cream on his head for a 120 Defense Boost – Ha Ha LOL]

    Sorry for the long post . . .


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