• Kochschwein posted an update 4 years ago

    @diamondjim Hello Crash! I have a big problem. My old account on iPad has been mixed up with my little new account on iPhone today. I made the mistake of logging in both accounts with my Apple ID. Now I only have My little account on both devices! The Oink Boink account has disappeared! What a crap! I’ve sent a message to Rovio. I hope they can…[Read more]

    • Oh wow, what a mess. I just let everyone know. Hope Rovio steps up, but as you know they’re pretty slow. Did you have the game connected to a Facebook on your main account?

    • Another thought: if you had two AB2 profiles both on Apple devices you must have had two different Apple Game Center profiles. Each would be tied to a different Apple ID I think. Try signing out of Game Center and reconnecting with your other Apple ID.

      • Hi Crash! I have one AB2 profile on iPhone and the Oink profile on iPad. Both without signing in anywhere. Both with my Apple ID. All went well. 3 days ago I had the idea to save my progress with Apple and signed in both devices with 1 Apple ID!!! Bampot!!! The little account now is on both devices while Oink is gone into nirvana. I tried to…[Read more]

        • Ouch. I’m not sure there’s anything they can do. I don’t think Rovio stores your progress. It’s either stored in Apple Game Center or in Facebook. It sounds like you might have overwritten your Oink profile in Game Center with your other profile.

          I think if you want to have two AB2 profiles in the Apple universe you have to set up 2 Apple I…[Read more]

          • Hello Crash, meanwhile I’ve been to the Apple Store and contacted Apple via email and chat. There is nothing they can do and tell me to contact the app developer. I sent Rovio 6 tix. So far all without an answer. I’m afraid I’ll have to say goodbye to Oink. I’m so sorry for harming the Turbo Birds and the clan in this way!

            • That really sucks Oink. I hope Rovio can do something, though I fear they may not be able to. And there’s no harm to the clan, everyone is hoping for your return.

              Meanwhile, Turbo will be booting you before tonight’s battle starts. He’s hilding a spot for you if a Rovio can fix your account.

              If not, I know sucks to start over, but we’d…[Read more]

              • Crash, that’s okay. I’ll wait this week to see if I get an answer from Rovio. At the moment it doesn’t look like. It’s really nice of the Turbo Birds to invite me again, thanks for that! But you’ve to keep in mind that my FP is only half as high as Oink’s has been. I don’t know if I can keep up.

                • Don’t worry about that! Turbo has reserved a spot for you and wants you back regardless of FP. If you end up having to use your new account, let me know the name so I can relay it to Turbo to approve since the clan is closed.

                  • Thanks to all and especially to you for staying in touch with me! Awesome team! I’ll check in next weekend. Till then I’ll know my name, old or new created.

                  • Crash, waiting for an answer from Rovio has been without sense. I’ve to continue with my second account now. My new name is Oink2go. I’ll send a request to the clan. Thanks for your support!

    • That sucks, but we’re looking forward to your return. I’ve let Turbo know to look for your request.

  • @diamondjim
    Hello Crash, this is Oink. I’m so angry with Rovio! I also sent a ticket to Rovio to check your ban. Why do they block honest players? I hope that you and we we all will be successful with our complaints. If you can, please come back to our clan. We miss you! Best regards Oink Boink.

  • Stella suuuuuuuuuuucks! She doesn’t wear any hats and doesn’t let you take a spell. Literally, blocks them all. How to level up? I don’t know anything about that. Why does Rovio do such greedy things? Yes, I agree, @diamondjim.

  • @diamondjim, thanks for info! So… we have Arena, Treasure Chests and maybe birds leveling up bringing Pink Feathers. Nope, I’d rather just wait for automatic unlocking.

    @sb311, I’m taking a wild guess: They wake up when you tap them and then they have limited use only until next day. They may even spend some of the consumables, trying to force…[Read more]

  • @diamondjim

    The same people who get 130k+ on Mighty Eagle every single day.

    The same people who will have 300-500 stars in the arena, less than 12 hours after it opens.

    The same people who get to floor 60 every single day on TOF.

    The same people who can come from 20 million down in the arena with 1 bird, and slaughter you by an additional 20…[Read more]

  • @diamondjim,
    have you notified Rovio of this?