Dr.Doom Active 8 years ago

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  • Dr.Doom

    @ph I was rewarded 1000 tokens and the exchange was reopened. If yours isn’t, try contacting Rovio.


    @rlcoone Agreed. I would like to know what to do as well. As for now, I’m just going to wait until the last few minutes left in the token exchange before cashing them in. If nothing has been resolved by then, I’ll just exchange the tokens for coins. Sucks, but I don’t want to lose them completely.


    My thoughts exactly! Extending the token exchange does NOTHING to help us out.


    I finally have access to the event. Unfortunately, as I suspected I did not have enough tokens to win Acid Storm. I needed 1000 to win him, and was pushed to 2nd place before the servers went out. Just my luck! I’m so upset, especially for my son who really wanted me to win Acid Storm for him. I don’t understand why the event can’t run for an extra 24 hours to compensate those who were burned by the connection issue. I will never spend money on this game again. It was a waste. :(


    I just sent in a ticket. Fingers crossed Rovio makes this right for us!


    This is so frustrating! I’ve been playing as much as I can to win Acid Storm for my son. He’s adamant that he wants this for his birthday. lol! I’ve spent money on crystals to keep me in a higher ranking. Last I checked I was in first place. Haven’t been able to connect for hours and I have no clue where I stand in the competition now. I’m going to be so angry if I can’t win Acid Storm because of this glitch. Grrrrrr.


    Yes, it says something like that.

    I’ve reset the date and time. Last night I was level 172, jumped to 174. Then this morning I was at 142 and now my level is at 200. I haven’t changed any of my settings. I’m not sure what is going on now. Each time my level changes my coins and crystals are effected. Grr!


    No, I didn’t think to take a screen shot. It was only up for a few seconds, enough time for me to read what it said.


    Thank you. I will try contacting Rovio! I usually have my date & time set to auto, but I have no clue what happened. The date was off and even the clock was ahead by several hours. I appreciate the feedback!

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