• dtmt replied to the topic New Arena in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 2 years, 5 months ago

    I had nice little battle for the win today. I had 200 less arena rating than the other guy when we had equal points on weekly challenge. So I calculated that I could beat the other guy even if I have to spend lots of tickets. That’s cos raising arena rating on master league is really hard at our flock level. As it turns out his arena rating stayed…[Read more]

  • It is there to notify how many more chests you need to open before you have gotten all the apples for the day available via opening treasures. Basically trying to motivate you to to log on / play more later to get the apples.

  • Most of my group seems to have a score for today. When I play mine and get to the end I get my coins and “high score” and when I return to lobby it says my score is 0 and my coin count gets reset. I tried to play again with gems and the only difference was that I lost those gems as score says zero again.

  • The damage done by your birds is totally level dependent. In some levels “good” birds do real damage and usually combo with Terence, Bomb and Silver is enough to beat the level. In some levels those three might not be enough and the level has no exit to push the King pig out. These levels tend to be the hardest kind. Some levels are designed so…[Read more]

  • dtmt replied to the topic New Arena in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years ago

    Stop trying to win the Arena in the level you are. Lose enough games in a row to drop to easier level so you start winning again.

  • dtmt replied to the topic New Arena in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years, 1 month ago

    The idea on how to play the Arena (in my opinion) is that every Monday you start your play with losing enough rounds that you drop 1 or 2 league ranks and can continue winning streak very day and on Sunday get some  extra points to win whole round and get some gems. I wish I did not have to do that since it takes kinda long time to drop the ranks…[Read more]

  • The current event apparently uses this method. There also seems to be only limited amount of levels you can play. When the match ended I still had 2 birds left. I hate both changes.

  • I’m not sure if it’s showed somewhere but you can count the level they are by opening any regular bird and looking their stats on the left. For example I have Silver at level 170 -> 80 from slingshot, 76 from feathers, 11 from hat and 3 from hatchling. Now my Bubles is on level 160 which means that is the hats do no apply thet level 160 is based…[Read more]

  • dtmt replied to the topic Parade coins in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years, 3 months ago

    They are ment to be used at The Paradise Store. Slingshot icon in the bottom of the main screen.

  • Your birds powers are sum of a few things. Hat power, slingshot power, card power and hatchling level. When you open one of your birds where it lets you choose the hat, take a look at the left side of the bird. Those levels are listed there. Take a look at the card level and keep on leveling by getting feathers for that bird.

  • dtmt replied to the topic New Arena in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years, 8 months ago

    Never ever have I played a game that is this bad at giving a feeling that you are getting somewhere when you play more per day or spend years playing it. Everything gets just more difficult and not fun.

    I guess I’m suppose to get that “got to play more” feeling when competing against others but why would I care if I’m arena rank 4000 or 6000. Or…[Read more]

  • dtmt replied to the topic New Arena in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years, 8 months ago

    Got promoted to master league. And like said in this thread before difficulty sky rocketed. Sad thing is I do not get de-promoted no matter how many I lose so I guess playing Arena is over. No point trying to beat 200-250 higher flock powers.


    I guess it’s time to stop playing when there is nothing to be gained. Arena is too difficult now.…[Read more]

  • dtmt replied to the topic New Arena in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years, 8 months ago

    Today Rovio offers only lava levels that are mostly dependent of they good will to get good score. Oh how I hate them.

  • To bring the boss down with one bird use the white flower that is under the water near your slingshot.

  • Not that I even got to play KPP yesterday but according to videos others have posted you can one shot the last room with Bubbles. KPP round three 18.12.2020

  • Lucky me. Third day in a row that I cannot even reach the boss room. Dropping to 4-4-5 did not help one bit with the difficulty.

  • dtmt replied to the topic New Arena in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years, 8 months ago

    Today’s first 5 runs were “nice”. Same map and same opponent every time. Luckily I figured how to solve the first map (which was the only hard one) the second time I played and ended up winning each round with about 40 million points.

  • I noticed the same thing. Now I lose on first 2 levels once in a while and when I don’t lose I need to use all my birds. As 4-5-6 hell is as difficult as ever and even getting there is now difficult this makes me question my will to try to compete in MEBC. It does not help that now that they nerfed MECB also so there is  not much of point in it.

  • dtmt replied to the topic New Arena in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years, 9 months ago

    And all the sudden “people” with flock power hundreds below me gather 10+ million points more than me today where as before it was just matter of playing to get the win.

  • dtmt replied to the topic New Arena in the forum Angry Birds 2 Forum 3 years, 9 months ago

    Started with legendary league 1 star. So far I don’t get this. My flock power is 1143 and my opponents so far have been about half of that so 4 easy wins so far and the prices that you get for winning at least in this level are really good. Round one 3000 feathers, round two 800 pearls, round three 5000 feathers round four legendary chest, round…[Read more]

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