Dylan Bob Active 8 years, 12 months ago

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  • Dylan Bob

    Are you talking about Magician Boat Mast? It’s only working for the frog pig and super frog pig.

    Or Is there Mecha Mast?

    Dylan Bob

    Now I’ve encountered 91 lvl normal one and 65 lvl super one. I want to encounter stronger ones more too.

    Dylan Bob

    I’ve got S rank item from the new wooden chest just now. It was Cruise Hat for the bomb. Maybs SS rank items are possible to earn from it?

    Dylan Bob

    374 – > 406 with 30000 golds. I think it’s pretty good.

    Dylan Bob

    We can enhance items 3 times. And merged items can be enhanced 4 times because it adds one more enhance slot to enhance.

    Dylan Bob

    Oh then I’m gonna keep them until it gives valuable items

    Dylan Bob

    merged item will have one more upgrade star. I have two SS guitars for Chuck. One is fully ungraded and another one is not at all. I merged them and i got 4 slots guitar with 3 star upgraded.

    Dylan Bob

    x2 attacks boost is much better than x3 defence which MBM skill has

    Dylan Bob

    With the special hull against frog pig and “chuck attack twice mast” i could defeat 49 level goden frog by myself with 2 or 3 times attack now. By the way where is the third monster that was strongest in last shark event?

    Dylan Bob

    I guess getting 20000 points would be in 500 ranking seeing the current situation.

    Dylan Bob

    I’ve wanted to know really the spear is not better than guitar. So Thx for knowing me. And i have two guitars haha. I just can’t believe that prizes in an event spending 13 days are not special and stronger than current items.

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