• Thank you both. Sqwauk!! is my clan so I’m trying my best to bring our numbers back up and I am hoping some daily players will join. I’m not ready to give up just yet but it’s nice to know there are so many active clans I could look at. I should have checked out the forums sooner and now I’m trying to regrow my clan while learning how to be a…[Read more]

  • I started my own clan a few months back. I quickly began dealing with a few players that I suspected were cheaters and players that refused to play or communicate. Without thinking it through, I kicked all but the six players that played daily. Had I done some research, I would have kick them in small groups and allowed time to replace them. I…[Read more]

  • Some days, the structures don’t fall and the piggies don’t pop. I’m also glad other people have noticed. The situations that really get me are those teeny-tiny pigs that should have popped but end up rolling into some area where they are now completely shielded from any attack. In those cases, I have to just give up the level, take the lost heart…[Read more]

  • Eggy Schnitzel became a registered member 6 years, 1 month ago