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    If you have purchased anything(gems, daily letter) u’ll lose all the watch a video stuff except for the ARENA extra card. In other words if you pay once the game completly changes compared to the non pay game. Rovio wants to take advantage…


    The whole game is rigged.  I have been playing the game on two seperate devices with two different accounts. One of the accounts I have paid for the daily gem letter and on the other game I haven’t paid for anything. When I play with the account I bought something. I hardly get past stage 3 of the ToF unless I pay gems. On the other hand the game without me paying for the farthest I’ve reached is stage 15.

    If you pay real $ for anything I’ve noticed all the following changes compared to the non pay:.. 1) Arena the damage meter slightly increases compared to ur opponent. Ex. Meter is half, opponent slighty has a bit on it The next level I haven’t even reached 3/4 when the opponent filled theirs and got a xtra card.. Not only that but how is possible to go from 8,000-20,000 score points in one hit of their birds whose power is way less than mine(my are 65-72, opponent 60-65)

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