funkypumpkin Not recently active

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  • funkypumpkin

    Since the third or fourth week of the first season I have an incredibly annoying bug. It happens mostly when I enter PvP battle, but it occured also a couple of times while fighting the golden pig or pirate caves.

    Sometimes at the beginnig of PvP the loading screen is interrupted by an advertisment. If it is a movie in most cases (not always though) it is ok, but if it is that bloody steady picture when I want to close it (no matter if I try to do it immediately or wait for couple secs or mins) the game freezes on the loading screen. Sometimes I have this pig silhouete on loading screen in various sizes freezed. The only way to unfreeze the game is to restart the device. This results in a lost battle. For the previous 7 weeks I have not lost a single battle in PvP mode on the arena, yet every day I finish with three loses. Each time it prevented me from ascending to higher league.

    I have updated the Angry Birds Epic application on regular basis, as well as my OS. Can someone pls tell me why that sh*t happens and how to cope with it… As it happens regardless of the updates and without visible pattern (sometimes I can play 10 battles in a row without freeze, sometimes I can’t even fullfil daily a single daily target because after entering battle 4 times I’m after 3 freezes) I start to suspect it is a purposeful activity of the application which aim is to force me to spend gold coins on restarting battles every day.


    Active player looking for friends. GC nickname (funkypumpkin), if you would like to add me, don’t forget the brackets :).

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