• @gemek
    This lone red team has been around for several seasons but his name changes. Lately it’s been Christin if I remember right. I played a lot the last few days and have encountered him 3 times. It’s such a relief if he helps you complete an objective. I have fought him at least 20 times by playing McCool to reset the opponent. One of the older…[Read more]

  • @gemek at 18000 points in arena is where you should be if you only finish all the daily goals.

    (5500 for all goals per day + whatever points you get from the reward wheel) × 3 days = about 18000 points so far.

    Also that guy in your picture shows up from time to time in the arena. He is probably an opponent Rovio put in as a “the lowest power…[Read more]

  • @gemek I should also add that this is my secondary EPIC team. (My main team is level 45/ mastery rank 10 and I don’t use these in the arena).

    If you want to get ahead in the arena at low levels you need to slow down your level progression and work on mastery. To do this you need to spend all of your snoutling gains (from arena battles and…[Read more]

  • @gemek You shouldn’t waste any of your LC on spins to get items until your level is maxed out. Currently the max level is 45. The reason is that any items you get from the pig machine will become more and more useless as you gain levels. You are already seeing that with one of your items. Just craft items until you get to level 45 or use the items…[Read more]

  • @gemek Welcome to the nest.

    It looks like you have the sweet set for Matilda. You also have the Rage Shield, which is very important when you fight a Wizard.

    I see you had Princess in your line-up. I suggest you avoid using this class.

    There are Several Venomous teams you might try, depending on health levels.
    Paladin, Druid and…[Read more]

  • MVNLA2 replied to the topic Cheaters in the forum Angry Birds Epic Forum 9 years, 2 months ago

    @gemek — Hate to tell you this, but your opponent in the arena doesn’t look all that bad. But then I’m level 45 with all classes at rank 10, and lots of good sets.
    I really suggest you try the venomous team and strategy: (https://www.angrybirdsnest.com/forums/topic/i-quit/#post-103726). I complain about opponents with arena ranking of over 900,…[Read more]

  • MVNLA2 replied to the topic Cheaters in the forum Angry Birds Epic Forum 9 years, 2 months ago

    @gemek — Welcome to ABN. You might want to read the thread on Epic tips, specifically the section on the arena.
    You can reject the opponent you are given by starting an unranked battle with Piggy McCool and exiting as soon as it starts. You will then have a new opponent in the ranked battle. You can do this as many times as you want. I have done…[Read more]