• gladvold has received the Over the Moon badge! 8 years, 8 months ago

    • @gladvold congrats on obtaining the Over the moon badge, i didn’t realize it was still achievable, please tell me you got it in the level 27 ? I got mine on the level 20, so I’m not worried about receiving the badge but my score on 27 is pretty sad, and to know the badge is still attainable then that means i can still improve; D
      I’m soory my Congratulations sounds like it comes with an ulterior motive, but I really d don’t mean it that way, my sincere congrats to you ,i know what it takes to get that badge and is comendable that you had the patience and persistence to achieve it:D

      • @kathy Thank you! Sorry, I too got mine on level 20. I have tried with 29, but no success yet. It seems way harder to reach the cap there, even if the shot itself is easy enough.. It will have to be a long-term goal!

        • Your sincerely welcome @ gladvold:D
          I’ll just have to keep trying harder on 29 :/
          They say Practice makes Perfect, somehow i think whoever coined that phrase never played Angry Birds lol;)

        • Not so long-term after all @kathy! I finally did it, see my comment in the level 29 walkthrough! Patience much more needed than practice on this one!