gohomezoo Active 8 years, 2 months ago

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  • gohomezoo

    Well now know its obviously check’s arena. But anybody what bird prizes will be in next monster event? Not sure if it’s on a rotation or not, but people here usually seem to know somehow. I would like to know ahead of time to prepare myself, since I will really only go for top 500 if it is a chuck or bomb ship


    Yea, but what exactly was it for?


    Didn’t that really only MOSTLY fix the problem? there were still pigs disappearing now and again. Rovios pattern seems to (obviously) be monster event 10-14 days then arena 3-5 days, they seem afraid to let the game go a day or two with no event despite some players saying they wish they would. I don’t know why they don’t just take maybe 1-3 days and at least try to get these problems sorted out before launching something new


    Lots of errors earlier today then went away, now back again and cant even get into the game


    Yep constant loading screens too long and error codes way too often


    yep, just saw the update, after update all was fixed


    I haven’t received anything, sent rovio an email, but nothing yet


    Yes, same happened with me. It does need to be more apparent. I did try it with the friend sitting right next to me and it worked. It doesn’t take up any bird energy and there’s no GG tokens to give. Not sure about island progress or EXP LVL, I’ll have to try again later and check


    I am going to send you a request, I only created a Facebook in the first place in order to have a way to have my games/progress saved and connected, so am not worried about all that other stuff. I only use the account for; angry birds friends (originally, I don’t play anymore) angry birds fight!, and agario(damn that game is addicting)


    I would be willing to, but how will I know if you are playing the event? You said you only play every few weeks or months, and in my experience once a request to friends is sent the option to ask everyone is no longer available. Right now I only have 1 friend to ask for help (who rarely plays and is really weak) so usually ask everyone, my concern is: how will I know when you are participating in an event? Because I would not want to waste requests sending to you and you are not participating.

    Side note: I’m a decent player with strong equipment, if I am trying my best I will make it into the second tier ranking. My highest was 1000 at the end of an event.


    I’m in North Eastern USA, still nothing. Game crashes during loading screens


    Yup, just tried this morning and game starts loading then shuts down


    What about the blues dice glasses? I got them and sold them based on how weak they were without realizing the panel appearance skill. Don’t miss them, doubt I would’ve used them based on how weak they were, but still I always wanted an increase panel item for blues. Didn’t realize they were so hard to get, I have one for every bird except blues and Stella

    EDIT: Scratch that, I have; daruma doll++ and magic lamp+ for chuck, lazier sunglasses+ and rock star glasses for red, radio cassette++ for bomb, mascarade and Christmas glasses for Matilda, seastar badge for Stella (which is too weak I don’t use), and sold the dice glasses for the blues (seeing as there was no chance of merging), so technically I HAD at least one panel appearance item for each bird


    I’m guessing the event will last through Christmas so I’m guessing 12 or 14 days for this one. I used to want shorter ones but now with the ticket/monster slot system it’s not so bad, at least you keep getting something after all prizes at obtained.


    Lol, thank you. I didn’t know what those were


    Oh cool, thanks. Haven’t seen this yet


    Thanks for the info, I’ve only been using one bird lately since the rest are maxed out, but now when I look I don’t see how to get this option. When i press ‘Fight!’ on a bird in angry mode it just brings me to a fight. Anybody know more about this?


    I think ten being the limit just means that you won’t receive anymore from the game, like after bird fights and stuff. If you have more than that in your inbox and empty it then i think you just have that many but your tickets are at ‘full’ so the game will not generate any for you. I’m not 100% on that though.


    I’m sorry hyperangry? What is that?

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