• @kerravon good guessing CET refer to Central European Time zone. 9 p.m. CET id significant as all weekly tornments so far begun at 9 p.m. Also last week’s arena tournment ended at 9 p.m.
    Normally daily challenges in Arena battles begins at 12 p.m.

  • @rassell1234 last night at 9.p.m CET game suddenly crashed after loding game again I got new daily objectives while my previous scores were saved (i.e I didn’t lose any medals). Same thing happened Sunday and happened at same time 9.p.m CET exactly. So I had two extra daily challenges without cheating in any way (just exploit server crashes, not…[Read more]

  • @nacho congratulations to your daughter and son. Daughter is real beauty, her guy is lucky one.

  • I downloaded new game but find it pretty boring and not so easy, at least until I get game mehanics.

  • It seems that advancing from lower league to higher league increase might of set items by 4%. So if I am right the highest might of iconic set items for diamond league should be 5947 (going from basic 4888 in wood league), so the strongest set should be 11894 for flag and head plus around 2000 for emblem.

  • @abyssuss I thought there might be no rewards at all if we play alone. Otherwise it would be awesome to be first and get to next league without much trying.

  • I got response from Rovio about this problem in only 10 minutes after sending my request


    Thank you for your message!

    We’re very sorry that you’ve had problems with the game! We had a brief problem with our game servers that caused some issues for Angry Birds Epic. This has affected all weekly event players. Our game developers are…[Read more]

  • I advance to stone rank during last week event and now I appear to be only person on my leaderboard. I wonder if it means i wouldnt be able to advance into silver next week as there is no other players on the leaderboard? Is it worth to play at all?

    BTW one of my FB friends who is level 21 player finished as first on his LB and advanced into…[Read more]

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