• froggy posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago

    Lost missions in abt
    I set up missions, often for overnight so they can run for longer times.
    Several times I have logged on in the am to find now green towers/beams, typically, but not always, missions not completed, not new items added.
    It seems to be random, I have not noticed and correlation with any event.
    Anyone else encounter this?
    Know…[Read more]

  • froggy posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago

    ABT video to recharge depleted bird sometimes unavailable
    option to double reward via video sometimes not there

    sometimes, if clear buffer, that is double click home removed all running apts and reboot ipad the options return,as but only sometimes.
    any ideas anyaone

  • MVNLA2,

    let me clarfiy. I doubt this explanation both apps worked fine BEFORE I upgraded to iOS 9, after upgrade problems started. No change in hardware.

    I do note though, that if I restart the I pad AB2 will get through a couple of rounds, then freeze, or crash and kick me back to home screen.

    The talk I found on apple forum notes a variety of…[Read more]

  • doubt it is a memory issue, AB2 & ABT both worked fine until I installed iOS 9.

  • Since I upgraded my I-pad 2 to iOS 9.0 Angry Birds transforms will not load at all. Angry Birds 2, will load then shut down either during first room played or the second.
    All other Angry birds apps (and indeed all other apps) work fine.
    No other changes to my system other than iOS 9.

  • Since I upgraded my I-pad 2 to iOS 9.0 Angry Birds transforms will not load at all. Angry Birds 2, will load then shut down either during first room played or the second.
    All other Angry birds apps (and indeed all other apps) work fine.
    No other changes to my system other than iOS 9.

  • [moderator: may belong in another thread?]

    Since I upgraded my I-pad 2 to iOS 9.0 Angry Birds transforms will not load at all. Angry Birds 2, will load then shut down either during first room played or the second.
    All other Angry birds apps (and indeed all other apps) work fine.
    No other changes to my system other than iOS 9.

  • [moderator: may belong in another thread?]

    Since I upgraded my I-pad 2 to iOS 9.0 Angry Birds transforms will not load at all. Angry Birds 2, will load then shut down either during first room played or the second.
    All other Angry birds apps (and indeed all other apps) work fine.
    No other changes to my system other than iOS 9.

  • froggy became a registered member 9 years, 3 months ago