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  • HallieGinSB

    @comex666 looking forward to still seeing you around the Nest now that you are moving on to Nester Emeritus status. Hundreds if not thousands of Nesters have benefited from your videos. I wouldn’t be where I am on the Star Wars leaderboard without your video guidance. Thank you!


    Hey @Briann I had the same problem with Seasons as you a couple of months ago and did the same thing you did with the same results. Since no one has responded to your post, I thought I would share my experience.

    I never was able to log back in to Facebook. What I ended up doing was buying enough coins from Rovio – they are still happy to sell coins for use in games they no longer support – at a cost of about $20 to unlock the locked levels on my tablet. At least my scores were still there once I unlocked them. So I still have all my scores on my tablet. They’ve just not backed up anywhere.

    Could you let me know if you found another solution?


    @briann Thanks for the heads up. Cool! I was able to get back into my old Rovio account from my phone this morning and restored my progress there, and now I have progress on both devices again. Rovio is really messing with us!


    @briann thanks for the suggestion re opening offline, then going back to online and trying to log in. I tried it on the device where I lost my progress. It started out promising enough. Opened ABO offline, turned wifi back on my device, then went back to ABO and tried to log in. It thought about for a long time, then the app gave up and closed on its own. Tried it a couple of times, and no luck, so I think access to the old Rovio account is gone permanently for me. I live in California.

    I’m thankful I have all my progress on my android tablet, which was the device I preferred playing ABO on, anyway. I just have to play it in airplane mode now.


    @briann @grammyk @sweetp

    Hi. Looks like the plug really has finally been pulled on the old Rovio account. When I tried today to open ABO on my android tablet, it crashed without opening. I switched to airplane mode and it opened just fine and my progress was still there.

    As a test, I also tried opening the app on my android phone. Also crashed without opening there. Switched to airplane mode and it opened just fine and my progress was there. As a further test, while in airplane mode on my phone I logged out of the old Rovio account and then closed the app. Spoiler alert: DO NOT DO THIS! When I turned airplane mode off and then opened the app again, it opened find but all of my progress was lost. Not a big deal to me as I didn’t play the game on my phone. But now the only place I can play it is on my android tablet in airplane mode.

    Just to repeat for emphasis, if you were saving your ABO progress to the old Rovio account, the app may no longer open except in airplane mode, and, NEVER log out!



    @briann Yeah, I’ve noticed the same thing. I honestly don’t know what will happen when the plug is finally pulled on Rovio Account, so for that reason I’ve kept AB Classic and SWII installed on both my android tablet and android phone. I don’t play either games regularly on my phone – I just use my phone to see first if the game opens OK before playing on my tablet.

    I will say that I also was backing up Seasons on Facebook. About a three weeks ago the game stopped connecting to Facebook – nothing I did worked to log back into Facebook from the game, and at some point after too many attempts the game sort of “reset” so that all of the levels from the beginning up to South HamAmerica were locked. I found I could unlock those levels with coins and my old scores were still there. So now I can still play as normal, but my scores are not backed up anywhere.  I’m guessing it may be a similar situation with Rovio Account – so I would just suggest not logging out of Rovio Account from within the game until/unless something forces you too.


    @sweetp Heads up on something that likely will impact everyone with a Rovio account (used to save score progress on older games) who plays AB Classic on the Daily Challenge. I suggest those players be sure their devices have their current scores before March 18. It’s not clear what will happen when Rovio accounts are closed, but best guess is the game will have to be played offline.


    I’m editing my original post, as I did not read the original post carefully. I have not received the e-mail about the Rovio account ending. However, I have been seeing a message about games no longer being supported when I open Angry Birds Classic and Angry Birds Space. The same message is showing up when opening Angry Birds Friends – a game I do not play – and there is a separate Forum topic about that.

    Additional comments: I do have a Rovio account, but did not receive the e-mail. However, a google search shows that many others are receiving the same e-mail. I checked on the Rovio account login page and there is nothing about it there. I decided to try logging in, but I had to reset my password as I had forgotten what it was. I did get in OK  after a password reset but did not receive any further info about the end date. After I changed my password, I could not get in to AB Classic at all. I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling AB Classic (which I can do on my Android device even though the game is no longer available in Play Store). Once I did that, after opening the game again, I logged into my Rovio account with the new password and restored my score history. What this tells me is that once Rovio shuts down the account website, the game likely will not start online because it will no longer be able to log in. Just a guess, but comments I’ve seen elsewhere seem to be suggesting this, too – with the possible workaround of playing offline. Sounds like the best we can do is be sure your current scores are saved on all devices where the game is installed. This would apply to all games for which progress is saved to your Rovio account.


    Getting the same message today on Angry Birds Classic and Angry Birds Space. However, I was still able to play both games. So maybe this is just another Rovio marketing ploy.


    @mighty-red-1 Your video strats are legend! Your contributions to ABN are unparalleled. Hope you will come back for a visit now and then.


    @karen68 @sparty83 @sweetp @birdleader

    Aack! Now I have to eat crow. Been playing some ABC tonight. It seems like the extra bird offer is just coming up automatically about every 5 minutes or so. Playing a 4-bird Short Fuse level that I already had a good score 3 star score on, I cleared the level with 3 birds, and with the fourth unused bird I would have a higher score. Instead of going straight to the tally screen, I got the extra bird offer! Didn’t accept it as I wanted the legitimate higher score – so I don’t know if I had accepted if I would have had two unused birds. Now I don’t know what to do about the Challenge or the leaderboards. Sorry!


    @karen68 @sparty83 @sweetp @birdleader

    Another annoying ABO, now ABC, update with unintended consequences. I have not done any experimenting with the extra bird option, since I always reset immediately if my score is low or I don’t complete the level with the initial birds provided. My guess, however, in reading the above comments, is that Rovio added this as a tool to help new players who are having trouble completing a level or obtaining three stars. (Kind of like cigarette manufacturers adding a filter to cigarettes so that they are easier to get addicted to ;) ), and not as a tool like power ups to achieve a higher score.

    Assuming that the option is available only when needed to complete or three star a level, I think the threat to the daily challenge is minimal. I would suggest in the short run we avoid levels where only one or two birds initially are provided, or where all birds provided have to be used to get a top score. Those would be the levels that, if an extra bird were used, might have the potential to earn a top score. Since the top scores for most levels are earned with an unused bird or birds at the end, I think those can safely be played without worrying about improper scores being entered. We can re-evaluate if we find out the threat to legitimate top scores is more than this.


    @bonneypattycat FF 29-5 looks like another one for this list. A new strat was posted for it in September, and I just improved my score by 12k using it.

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