• HunnyBunny posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 1 month ago

    @mvnla2 I’ve had a complaint (from a member whose name I shall not reveal) that my dot on the map does not reflect my true location. Can you move me to Penarth, please. I’m currently up a mountain with some sheep, which may accurately reflect most of Wales, but its not my home!

    • @hunnybunny — I have no problem moving your dot on the map. Will happen next update.
      However, I want to point out that no one’s dot is where they actually live, by intent. Whoever complained about your dot’s inaccurate location was out of line.
      Your dot is where Google maps thinks the center of Wales is. If you want, I can locate you in a castle or manor house, if you tell me where.

      • Mvnla, Penarth is a fairly big town. Please put me on Penarth pier, which has recently been refurbished and looks very grand indeed. I will be happy there!
        Not too close to where I live so anonymity retained.