• HunnyBunny posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 3 months ago

    @mvnla thanks for my luxurious west coast beach villa.
    I know why you thought I was a member of the group before. We had a conversation at the BP about where members live, and had visited, which lead to yet another forum thread. From there, you kindly put me on the members map. It was only when I got envious of hot climates, as the weather here…[Read more]

  • . posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 3 months ago

    Ha ha, sorry for bothering you again @mvnla2 but I’ve changed my nickname to Firebombbird and it’s no longer Firebombbird1999 anymore. So can you change it in the next map update please

    • @minh –No problem. It’s changed on the master list on my computer, but it may be a while till the next update; depends on when someone else asks to be put on the map.

  • MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 3 months ago

    @Annifrid & @Hunnybunny — Map updated. Zoom way, way in to see where you are.
    Annifrid — Just re-read what you said about the small city. You would be amazed at what is on the map. However, it is better if even adults don’t list really small towns, because it might be possible to find your real name and location. ABN and the Members’ map takes…[Read more]

  • MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 3 months ago

    @Annifrid — I put you in the Santini Residence in Prague, just below the castle. It is a lovely old home that has been restored, and is now a hotel. We stayed there several years ago when we visited Prague. Many of the rooms have wooden-beamed, painted ceilings. Oh, just saw that you said you always wanted to live in a castle. I didn’t put you in…[Read more]

  • Annifrid posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 3 months ago

    @mvnla2 I think I want my own red dot on the map :)
    So, somewhere in central Europe, there’s a tiny country named Czech republic, and that’s where I live. I can’t tell you the city even if I was allowed to, I live in a village which is probably too small to even BE on the map.

  • HunnyBunny posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 3 months ago

    @mvnla2 could I have a winter home please? West coast of Barbados, right on the beach. A shack will do!

  • MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    @bdub — You’re on the map! I think I gave you a great view of the lake. Zoom way, way in on the map to see where you are. Might not have happened so fast, but you asked for a FLW location, and as you may have guessed, I am a huge FLW fan. Hope you have seen every thing he built in Madison and Spring Green, not to mention all of WI. Did a tour…[Read more]

  • bdub posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    @mvnla2 – thanks for directing to the map – here’s my info: USA, Wisconsin, Madison

    • Thanks! Will put you on the map in next update. I have relatives in Madison — beautiful place. Also full of Frank Lloyd Wright houses; I could put you in one if you like, or maybe the University Ridge Golf Course?
      But now your avatar’s color and the B confuse me. I forget what the U of W mascot is, maybe a badger? But I’m certain the color is red?

      • Should have said @bdub

        • Thank you–glad to be on the map representing beautiful Madison. You can put me at Monona Terrace (Wright’s lakeside convention center). Obviously don’t live there, but pass by it daily. Indeed the WI Badger’s color is red, however just grabbed a quick avatar that had a “B”–just liked the “B” initial,as in bdub (W) but not crazy about the purple…[Read more]

          • @Bdub Monona Terrace it is (or will be); great view. Your format is fine; although I’ll see your message faster if you use @mvnla2, just as you’ll see it faster if I mentions you (took me 7 hrs to reaslize I hadn’t last time).
            If you’re ancient, stop by the Seniors on ABN forum and while you’re there the Bloated Pig (BP). The BP is nearing 80,000…[Read more]

  • MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    @Bdub — If you want to have your own dot on the map, please post info requested above in this group. Hope you find the map and list useful.

  • Kathy posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    Not sure how many members we have in tornado alley..my prayers are with those who are:(

  • MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    @Thee-michelle — You’re on the map! Sorry for the delay. AB Seasons Abra Ca Bacon intervened. Are you playing it? Lots of interesting levels.

  • MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    @thee.michelle — Will do! You will be the first person in Japan. So glad you want a dot on the map. May take a couple of days, since my AB time is currently devoted to the Abra Ca Bacon update.
    Do you know anyone else who belongs to ABN, or is an AB fan? I know there are lots of Japanese AB fans, but they don’t seem to join ABN, or at least don’t…[Read more]

  • MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    @thee.michelle — Welcome to the members’ map group. If you want your own dot on the map, please supply info requested above. Thanks.

  • MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    @AngerManagement — Hope your dream home is now in the correct place.
    Do you know how to get Google Maps to show the lat / long for a specific location? I use it on a Mac, could also do it on iPad; would hate to do it on iPhone.
    BIG IMPROVEMENT in Google Fusion Tables this afternoon. Now none of the different colored icons appear! Will have to…[Read more]

    • Perfect, thanks @mvnla2:] I have never used Google Fusion tables before, wouldn’t know where to start, sorry;)

      • I use Google Maps (not Fusion Tables) to find the exact location. If you know how to find lat / long on Google Maps, please let me know. Figured out that I could ask for Anfield Stadium on Google Earth, which gets close. I use Fusion Tables to make the map you see in this group, so right now it is a 3 step process: use Google Earth to find…[Read more]

  • MVNLA2 posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    Have I mentioned recently how much I LOVE Google Fusion Tables (NOT!!!). For some perverse reason, the map is only showing one large purple / blue pin and a couple of yellows.
    @moondoggie — Your name has been changed
    @minh — Not sure if Google maps knows the difference between North and South Viet Nam, but at least your pin and listing on table…[Read more]

    • Wow, @mvnla2, just letting you know that you have placed the marker in Goodison Park, home of Everton Football club. Everton and Liverpool (my team) are the greatest of rivals. Sorry to ask you, but could you move the marker a little south-east to the football stadium right next to the green road entitled “Walton Brack Road”. Oh, and if you could…[Read more]

      • @AngerManagement — Wow! Major error! Sorry — Who would have thought there would be 2 football stadiums so close to each other. Google Maps does know where Anfield Stadium is, but I wanted to put you in the correct stands, which requires lat / long coordinates. Interesting that you want to be in what I assume is the end-zone? In U.S. football,…[Read more]

        • In English football (or soccer for residents of the US) the best seats are near to the goals, because that is where the action is at. In American football, most of the game happens in the middle of the pitch (from what I have seen from American TV shows;) Thanks again @mvnla2:)

    • Thanks for adding

  • moondoggie posted an update in the group ABN Members’ Map 11 years, 4 months ago

    Hi @mvnla2. I changed my name from Hector to moondoggie, I am still located in Montana, USA, but since there is now more than one in MT, make it Billings, MT.

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